
7 Chakras Yoga – A Complete Guide

9:38 AM

While practicing yoga for stress busting and developing fit body seems prudent, is it not also necessary that you learn about the core concept of yoga before delving into the practice?
Yoga is based on the concept that there are different energy centers or chakras in the human body, each designated for specific feelings, emotional states and actions. The chakras are located along your spine, and there are 7 of them. The 7 chakras are associated with the endocrine glands and nerve plexuses in the human body (1).

Would you like to know more about these 7 chakras? Do read this post!

Nuances Of The Chakras In Yoga:

All of the 7 chakras have specific traits, and they play important roles in the physical and mental development. The three chakras in the lower part of your body are associated with the vital aspects of life – survival, proliferation, and will. The rest of the chakras are related to psychological and spiritual qualities like compassion, understanding, and love.

Imbalance of these energy centers in the human body results in a lack of synergy in mind and body functions. Through specific yoga asanas and practices, it is possible to restore the balance in energy centers – thereby paving the way for a balanced mind and healthy body. Awakening the chakras helps in washing away negative energies that lead to mental tension, stress and physical ailments (2).

The 7 Chakras:

1. Muladhara Chakra:

This is the first and base chakra. Its position is at the spine’s base. Muladhara represents the center of instincts, self-sufficiency, survival and stability of the body and mind. It’s related to the reproductive organs. You can try yoga poses like the Locust pose, half warrior and child pose to activate this chakra.

2. Svadhisthana Chakra:

This chakra is placed at the lower abdomen, just between the pubic bone and belly button. Activation of this chakra stimulates the body parts like the stomach, liver, and bladder(3). Balanced Svadhisthana Chakra leads to a stability in the emotions and sensuality. You can try yoga poses like the cobra and Seated forward bend. Salavasana or the locust pose is also ideal for energizing this chakra.

3. Manipura Chakra:

The Manipura Chakra is the third chakra, which is placed at the solar plexus. It is linked to your digestive and metabolic systems. A balanced Manipura Chakra results in confidence and motivation. You can try yoga poses like the Inclined plane, half circle, and Bow. Another pose ideal for energizing this chakra is the spinal twist.

4. Anahata Chakra:

Anahata Chakra is placed at the heart. It is linked with the endocrine and immune systems (4). Balance in this chakra stimulates energy flow in the lungs, chest and results in the generation of love and sensitivity. You can try yoga poses like Pigeon pose, camel pose, and Standing backbend to energize this chakra.

5. Vissudha Chakra:

The Vissudha Chakra placed at the throat is a purification center. This chakra is linked to thyroid glands. Balanced Vissudha Chakra stimulates the flow of energy into the throat and neck regions, resulting in clear thought, fluency in expressions and astuteness. To energize this chakra, you may try yoga poses like half shoulder stand, Lion’s Face and standing backbend.

6. Ajna Chakra:

This chakra is placed between the two eyebrows. It controls higher mental activities and invokes cosmic energy. This chakra plays a pivotal role in developing intellect, strong intuition, and spiritual awareness. Its impact on pineal gland generates hormones melatonin and serotonin. It can be energized by practicing yoga poses like the Pyramid and Side seated angle.

7. Sahasrara Chakra:

This is the last chakra placed at the top portion of your head. This is deemed to be the center of pure consciousness and wisdom. It’s linked to the CNS and pituitary gland. Its activation results in a spiritual state of bliss. You may try yoga poses like the mountain and headstand to energize this important chakra.
Awakening the 7 chakras will not just help improve your health, but also will enrich your life on the whole. Try out these simple exercises that get you in sync with your chakras!
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The post 7 Chakras Yoga – A Complete Guide appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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