
25 Amazing Health Benefits of Morning Walk

9:38 AM

Have you ever woken up early to go for a morning walk? It is one of the most satisfying physical activities that you could ever do! It makes you feel fresh and rejuvenated, and gets you ready to take on the entire day with gusto!

A brisk morning walk for about 30 minutes is just what you need to give your body the exercise it needs. Whether you are looking to shed a few pounds or just want to maintain a healthy body, there is nothing like a morning walk.

Guess what? A normal morning walk has more benefits than you had ever imagined. Would you like to know what they are? Keep reading!

1. Lowers The Risk Of Diabetes:

According to research, a 30-minute morning walk can help in improving blood sugar control, as well as the management of insulin in Type II diabetes (1). It allows the cells in muscles use up more glucose, helps burn body fats that are not needed, and also aids in improving Body Mass Index (BMI). This benefits diabetics immensely.

2. Strengthens The Heart:

Studies have shown that walking every morning for about 30 minutes can help in lowering blood pressure. You can strengthen your heart and control blood pressure when you make morning walks a part of your daily routine (2). Morning walks can also lower triacylglycerol levels and prevent hypertension. By walking every morning, you can prevent the onset of heart diseases.

3. Controls Weight:

Morning walks can help you keep your weight under control. If you are trying to lose weight, there is nothing like a brisk walk for 30 to 40 minutes daily to help you. It helps in elevating the heart rate and burn calories that are essential for weight loss. Experts say that you can lose weight healthily without changing your diet by walking every day, along with other moderate, vigorous exercises (3).

4. Fights Breast Cancer:

Did you know that a 30-60-minute walk every day can prevent breast cancer? According to researchers, women who are active and exercise by walking daily are less likely to develop this cancer than those who are inactive (4). The estrogen metabolite ratio in your body is altered when you walk every day, and this prevents the cancer cells from taking hold.

5. Fights Dementia And Alzheimer’s:

According to researchers, walking on a regular basis can help in the prevention of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Taking regular walks can reduce the risk of this condition by up to 54%. This is a common problem among the elderly, and it is best to prevent it early. So, make morning walks a part of your daily routine.

6. Energizes The Body:

Walking every morning gives you energy throughout the day. It helps increase the circulation of blood and supply of oxygen. It is also a great way to keep depression away. By going for a walk every morning, you give your body the energy it needs to get through the day and make yourself active and alert all day!

7. Tones Up The Body:

You do not need to go through strenuous exercises to gain a toned body. A brisk morning walk can help in restoring muscle tone (5).  You can tone your legs, tummy and other parts of your body. Walking daily can also give definition to the muscles in your calves, buttocks, and quads. Forget about joining a gym; make morning walks your way to get a perfectly toned body!

8. Lowers The Risk Of Diseases:

Morning walks keep deadly diseases away. Blood circulation in your body is increased, which helps in keeping cardiovascular diseases at bay. Bone density also improves; therefore, the risk of osteoporosis and other bone-related disorders is significantly reduced. By walking every morning regularly, you also lower the risk of hip fractures.

9. Prevents Cancer:

According to experts, morning walks help in keeping different types of cancers away. They claim that many people develop cancer due to dull or hectic lifestyles. Morning walks give you the exercise that you need, a better immunity, and a breath of fresh air as well. To make sure that you are safe from cancer, go for a morning walk every day and keep your body as well as your mind healthy.

10. Protects Against Atherosclerosis:

Atherosclerosis is a condition that is caused by arteries that are blocked due to the build-up of plaque. The blockage occurs in the inner walls of arteries in organs such as the brain, kidneys, heart, and legs. Blood flow gets restricted, and circulation of blood does not occur properly. Regular morning walks can protect you against this condition and make sure that blood flow and circulation are not interfered with (6).

11. Helps In Controlling Cholesterol:

The body needs a certain amount of cholesterol for the maintenance of optimum health as well as for the building up of cell membranes. However, there is a greater risk of heart problems when there is an excessive amount of blood lipids, especially when they are in the form of LDLs. At the same time, low amounts of HDLs can also be harmful. Following an active lifestyle and including activities like walking is an excellent way to make sure the levels of cholesterol in your body are regulated (7).

12. Prevents Strokes:

As mentioned earlier, brisk morning walks help in keeping the heart strong and healthy. According to research conducted by the University of South Carolina, walking briskly for half an hour 5 times a week helps in lowering the risk of strokes (8).

Additionally, it has been shown that people who maintain a regular fitness regime that includes brisk morning walks reduce their chances of suffering from a stroke by 40% than people who are not physically active. A brisk walk around the neighborhood is all you need to stay fit and keep strokes at bay!

13. Improves Lung Capacity:

The oxidation reaction quotient in the cells of your body can be increased significantly with a walk. However, these reactions cause a high demand for oxygen supply that makes the lungs pump extra oxygen. This in turn helps the lungs improve their capacity. To keep your lungs working properly and to ensure their health, it is a great idea to start going for brisk walks for a good 20 minutes every morning (9).

14. Prevents Arthritis:

Leading an inactive life has many negative effects on the body, including stiff joints. The stiffness of joints can further lead to the development of the symptoms of arthritis. Recent studies suggest that moderate vigorous physical activity such as walking for 5 days or more in a week can help to relieve arthritis pain and stiffness, while also giving you more energy (10). Walking gently exercises the joints and strengthens them along with the muscles and bones. This in turn leads to the prevention of arthritis. A morning walk daily can do wonders in keeping this painful illness away.

15. Lowers Risk Of Miscarriages:

Expectant mothers can benefit hugely from indulging in exercises like swimming and regular walks, especially in the morning (11). Erratic hormone levels cause changes to take place in the body which walking can help moderate. Walking also helps in the prevention of gestational diabetes that is quite common among pregnant women. It also provides protection against uterine contractions, which often result in spontaneous abortion, an occurrence that is caused by hormonal changes in the body.

16. Enhances Brain Function:

Did you know that regular exercise such as walking can change the brain in ways that it helps protect memory and improves thinking skills (12)? Morning walks do more than rejuvenating the body. They provide the same positive effect to the mind as well. When you walk, the oxygen and blood supply to the brain is accelerated and this in turn leads to an enhancement in mental alertness, brain function, and memory. Take a regular walk every morning to keep your brain functioning properly at all times.

17. Relieves Depression:

When you walk, the natural pain-killing endorphins flow properly throughout the body. Patients who suffer from depression found that walking fast every day for 35 to 60 minutes had a significant improvement in their condition (13).

18. Makes Skin Glow With Health:

Dermatologists suggest that any exercise that improves blood circulation, in turn gives your skin a healthy glow (14). And there is no better exercise than walking. It helps in keeping away the signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Proper blood circulation also prevents pimples, acne, and other skin problems. With morning walks, you can naturally gain beautiful skin that stays radiant day after day.

19. Promotes Healthy Hair:

Ask your doctor, and he will tell you that keeping active has an important role to play in good hair health. Walking helps immensely in keeping hormones in your body well-balanced. This does wonders for the health of your hair. It promotes healthy hair growth and prevents hair loss as well. To get a head of beautiful lustrous hair, make it a point to go for a walk every morning.

20. Reduces Fatigue:

According to research, a brisk morning walk can make you feel rejuvenated and refreshed. It can also alleviate fatigue and boost your energy levels, making you feel energized throughout the day (15). This ensures that you do not suffer from fatigue any time during the day.

21. Promotes Restful Sleep:

The stress that you go through each day can cause insomnia. The best way to fight this is to take a walk every day. Morning walks help calm your mind and at the end of the day, you can get a good night’s sleep and feel well-rested each morning.

22. Prevents Cognitive Degeneration:

According to certain studies, women over the age of 65 who walk on a regular basis are less prone to memory degeneration that is age-related when compared to those who do not walk or walk less. Walking is a great way to keep age-related mental illnesses away. The risk of chronic ailments like vascular dementia can be brought down to 70% with regular walking and staying active (16).

23. Boosts The Immune System:

As you have read earlier, walking improves blood circulation in the body. This has wonderful effects on the immune system. It also improves the supply of oxygen throughout the body. Walking for just 30 minutes a day strengthens the immune system and keeps you protected from various illnesses and serious diseases (17).

24. Keeps Stress Away:

Morning walks are a great way to keep stress away. When you are stressed, it can have an adverse effect on your body, making you fall sick more easily and can also cause depression, anxiety, etc. A brisk walk every morning can make you feel more relaxed and calm.

25. Improves Overall Health:

There is nothing like a morning walk every day to improve your health. Every part of your body benefits from this exercise. A brisk 30-minute walk can extend your life span by about a year. It is a fantastic way to retain your fountain of youth!

Helpful Tips For Walking:

If you are thinking of making morning walks a regular part of your daily routine, here are a few helpful tips that you should keep in mind:

  1. Always keep your posture straight while walking. This will help you, especially if you are trying to tone up your abs.
  2. Walking early in the morning is best as your body is energized and blood circulation is increased. You also give your body the opportunity to absorb Vitamin D from the sun’s first rays.
  3. If you want to lose a few extra pounds, a brisk morning walk every day is just what you need. When you walk fast, you burn more calories!
  4. Avoid going for a walk after eating as exercising after a meal has an effect on the flow of digestive juices that prevents the proper breaking down of food.
  5. It is best not to drink too much water while taking brisk walks as it may cause harm to the respiratory system. Experts recommend keeping your body hydrated before you start your walk or 5 minutes after you are done.
  6. If you are just starting out on making walks a regular exercise, start at a pace that you are comfortable with and slowly build it up as the day go by. This makes sure that you do not exert your body too much right from the start.

A morning walk is a fantastic way to start your day. The fact that it comes with so many health benefits is a great reason to start making it a part of your daily routine. Once you have started, you will feel the changes that are occurring within your body and in no time at all, you will feel like a whole new person full of energy and health!

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The post 25 Amazing Health Benefits of Morning Walk appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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