
7 Cleaning Hacks To Get Rid Of The Toughest Stains Around Your House

5:57 PM

Some stains just seem impossible to clean no matter how strong your cleaning liquid is or how much you scrub, brush or wipe. It seems like they will never disappear! The worst part is, sometimes these stains also emit a foul odor.

If you’re a cleanliness freak, those pesky stains can be a real headache for you. But that’s where these cleaning hacks come in! Here are some easy, fun, and effective hacks that will make your life easier and the cleaning process much more pleasurable.

Let’s take a look at a few of them.

1. Tarnished Chrome Taps.


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You can wipe your chrome taps with wax paper. This will turn out to be a great money saver and will keep your tap shining for a long time.

2. Moldy Bathroom Tiles.


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The gaps between bathroom tiles can get moldy and stained if not cleaned regularly. You can get rid of these stains easily by rubbing these areas with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Leave the mixture for five minutes, scrub it lightly with a cleaning brush and then rinse it off with clean water. Your bathroom will soon shine like a renovated one!

3. Dirty Chopping Board.


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Chopping boards or cutting boards can turn dirty very quickly, and they are supposed to be cleaned every time we use it. But, cleaning it is no easy task. Don’t worry! We have an easy solution for you – put some salt over the board and rub it. Then, dip it in hot water and scrub with a brush or a sponge. The greasiness will soon go off, but you might have to repeat this twice or thrice (if your chopping board is too dirty).

4. Dusty Window Frames.


Image: Shutterstock

Window frames get dusty very fast, and if you skip cleaning them even for a day or two, layers of dust form over the frames. However, you can clean them easily by sprinkling baking soda over the frame and letting it be there for some time. Now, fill the spray bottle with equal proportions of water and vinegar. Spray this liquid over the sprinkled baking soda and then scrub with a cleaning brush. Alternatively, you can wipe it off with a clean, wet cloth.

5. Dirty Kitchen And Bathroom Sink.


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Sinks also get dirty very soon. However, you can clean them very easily. All you need to do is make a mixture of 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of calcined soda, and rub this mixture onto the damp sink. Let it settle for some time. Meanwhile, take 50 grams of vinegar and 50 grams of bleach and put it in the sink. Keep it like that for half an hour and then wash it off with water. Your sink will shine like never before.

6. Greasy Oven.


Image: Shutterstock

You can clean a greasy oven with zero effort. Take a small container and fill it with ammonia spirit. Leave it inside the oven overnight. Remove it in the morning and take a clean cloth and wipe off the dirt with it. Make sure that the windows of the room are open and you are wear rubber gloves when you do this.

7. Stained Carpets.


Image: Shutterstock

If you were under the impression that expensive carpets need expensive treatment, you are wrong. You can clean carpets easily with the help of baking soda. First, damp the area that is stained and then sprinkle baking soda over it. Vacuum the area after 10-15 minutes. Now, take two glasses of warm water and add a tablespoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid to it. Mix it well and then rub the stained area. The stain will automatically vanish.

Aren’t these hacks cool? Try them and thank us later!

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The post 7 Cleaning Hacks To Get Rid Of The Toughest Stains Around Your House appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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