Diabetes Diet Plan For Indians

11:42 AM

Many women practice a self-willed diet control to fit in that perfect pencil skirt or, in general, to look good.  Diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to utilize sugar molecules to generate energy for the body to function normally. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, or if you have diabetes in your family, doctors often recommend sticking to a diet plan. Being overweight will make you more insulin resistant. Therefore, following a diet that does not worsen your condition is preferable.

We will walk you through the diet plan and tell you which foods to eat so that you can make your choice wisely.

Diet Plan For Diabetes

  1. Indian Diet Chart For Diabetes

2. How Is An Ideal Indian Diet Plan For Diabetes Made
3. Foods To Eat

4. Recipe To Make a Perfect Diabetes Friendly Meal
5. Why Diabetes Diet Plan Will Work
6. Lifestyle For Diabetics
7. Dos And Don’ts
8. Conclusion
9. FAQs

1. Indian Diet Chart For Diabetes


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The diet chart for diabetic patient has been prepared depending on the food habits and the foods available in different regions in India. This diet chart will provide you with 1200-1600 calories per day, with carbs, fat, and proteins in the right proportions. Doctors also advise having at least two fruits per day between the meals. Also, it is a good practice to eat a bowl of salad 10 minutes before lunch or dinner. This will stop you from overeating. Include detox drinks in your diet to feel light and fresh every day. We have prepared diet charts that are diabetes-friendly, yet not too restrictive. Find the diet that best suits your taste buds.

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Meal Foods To Eat
Early Morning Options:
  • Warm water with lemon juice.
  • Cucumber and lemon detox water.
  • Green tea without sugar or artificial sweeteners. You can have two digestive biscuits with the tea.
Breakfast Options:
  • One to two cups of porridge.
  • Two pieces of brown bread with boiled egg whites.
  • Two small paranthas (without ghee or butter) with 1 cup curd.
  • Wheat flakes with one cup of milk.
  • Tip: Eat at least one fruit (apple, banana, guava, orange, etc.) .
Pre-Lunch Options:
  • Cucumber, tomato, carrot, and beetroot salad. Add a dash of lime, and garnish with coriander leaves and a few mint leaves.
  • Boil the veggies, if you cannot eat them raw. Add a pinch of salt, pepper, and a little butter.
Lunch Options:
  • Two medium-sized chapatis with either rajma, chole, or vegetable curry. Use carrot, cauliflower, capsicum, brinjal, okra, etc.for veg curry.
  • A fillet of baked fish.
Evening Snacks Green tea without sugar or artificial sweeteners. You can have one small bowl of bhel puri or baked snacks.
Dinner Options:
  • Two medium-sized chapatis, any vegetable curry (any type of gourd, brinjal, capsicum, etc.) except root vegetables and one small bowl of curd.
  • Chicken stew, two small chapatis, and one small bowl of curd.
Before Bed One glass of warm milk with a pinch of raw ground turmeric.

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Meal Foods To Eat
Early Morning Options:
  • Warm water with lemon juice.
  • Apple cider vinegar and warm water.
  • Watermelon and lemon detox water.
  • Green tea without sugar or artificial sweeteners. You can have two digestive biscuits with the tea.
Breakfast Options:
  • One small bowl of flaked rice with milk and banana (without sugar).
  • Two pieces of lightly buttered wheat bread, milk, and one boiled egg white.
  • One medium bowl of wheat flakes with milk.
Pre-Lunch Options:
  • One apple or orange or papaya (if fruit is not included in breakfast).
  • Raita or masala buttermilk.
Lunch Options:
  • Two medium-sized chapatis with vegetables such as peas, cauliflower, capsicum, any gourd, green beans, etc. and one small bowl daal.
  • Fish curry, one small bowl of rice, and onion, cucumber, and tomato salad.
Evening Snacks Options:
  • Masala puffed rice and green tea.
  • Green tea and two digestive biscuits.
Dinner Options:
  • Two chapatis and one medium-sized bowl of daal.
  • Two chapatis and chicken stew.
  • Two chapatis and vegetable curry.
  • Two chapatis and paneer and peas masala.
Before Bed One glass of warm milk or one bowl of curd.

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Meal Foods To Eat
Early Morning Options:
  • Black coffee and digestive biscuits.
  • Green tea, honey, and lemon.
Breakfast Options:
  • Two to three idlis with chutney and sambar (use less salt).
  • Two dosas with chutney and sambar (use less salt).
  • One small bowl of upma with chutney.
Pre-Lunch One orange or grapes and a glass of buttermilk.
Lunch Options:
  • One bowl of rice and sambar with lots of vegetables. One bowl of curd.
  • One bowl of rice with one small bowl of vegetable curry and either fish or chicken stew. One bowl of curd.
Evening Snacks Options:
  • Green tea with roasted flaked rice with curry leaves and chopped garlic.
  • Black coffee without sugar and baked ribbon pakoda.
Dinner Options:
  • Vegetable clear soup or chicken and veg clear soup and two chapatis.
  • Mix vegetable curry, two chapatis, and curd.
Before Bed One glass buttermilk.

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Meal Foods To Eat
Early Morning Options:
  • Lime, honey, and warm water detox drink.
  • Orange and lime juice.
  • Green tea and two digestive biscuits.
Breakfast Options:
  • Wheat flakes and milk.
  • Poha and one glass of fruit juice.
Pre-Lunch One bowl of curd.
Lunch Options:
  • Two chapatis and vegetable curry.
  • Steamed or baked fish/chicken
Evening Snacks Options:
  • Green tea and two digestive biscuits.
Dinner Options:
  • Vegetable curry, two chapatis, and one bowl of curd.
  • Fish curry or chicken curry, two chapatis, and cucumber salad.
Before Bed One glass of warm milk.

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2. How Is An Ideal Indian Diet Plan For Diabetes Made

For the Indian women, the ideal diabetic diet plan would be to have 1200-1600 calories per day. Zero carbs and fats will deprive your body of a few nutrients that are essential for performing important functions. In fact, dieticians and doctors recommend that diabetic patients should eat good carbs, good fats, and healthy proteins, but in small portions. A low sugar and salt diet is also ideal. Try to have foods that are low in sugar and salt content. Lots of foods are available, including cakes, sweets, and chocolates, that have less sugar. Artificial sweeteners are another good option, but see to it that you don’t take more than one or two drops in a cup of tea or coffee.

If you are prediabetic, or if you are undergoing treatment for diabetes, it is advisable to maintain a healthy body weight. The foods that we eat get digested and broken down into sugars. This sugar is taken up by the cells to perform various tasks. Insulin helps the cells to take up these sugars. However, sometimes insulin fails to do so, or the insulin production decreases. Hence, the blood glucose level shoots up. Since your cells are deprived of food, you feel hungry more often, even if you have just had a heavy meal.

Weight loss depends on factors such as current weight, age, sex, medical history, metabolic rate, etc. Consult your doctor to know what your ideal weight should be.

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3. Foods To Eat

A. Healthy Fats


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Not all fats are bad. Good fats help maintain the cells’ integrity and prevent heart-related problems. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for your health and help in weight loss.

Foods To Eat – Fish, fish liver oil, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, seasame seeds, tofu, kale, spinach, walnuts, Brussels sprouts, oysters, and soy.

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B. Carbohydrates


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Foods that are rich in whole carbs are also a good source of fiber, which helps in digestion and metabolism of food. Foods that contain refined carbs do not contain fiber.

Foods To Eat – Sweet potato, milk, yogurt, legumes, cottage cheese, banana, kiwi, rye, oats, quinoa, turkey, and chicken.

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C. Vegetables


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Vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Having at least two servings of vegetables (cooked or raw) a day will help you lose weight and boost your immunity.

Foods To Eat – Spinach, cauliflower, peas, capsicum, gourds, onion, garlic, celery, asparagus, beans, brinjal, lettuce, zucchini, tomato, broccoli, and kale.

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D. Healthy Proteins

D. Healthy Proteins

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Proteins are essential for our body. While choosing a protein-rich diet, chose foods that are not too high in fat or carbohydrate content. Also, eat animal proteins in small portions.

Foods To Eat – Lentils, Brussels sprouts, soy, kidney beans, tofu, hummus, pumpkin seeds, chicken, turkey, fish (sardines, mackerel, tilapia, catla, rohu, singi, magur, pomfret, cod liver oil, hilsa, tuna, and trout).

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E. Dairy


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Dairy products are rich in calcium, vitamins, and proteins. Low fat or fatless dairy products are good for you. Try not to add too much salt or sugar.

Foods To Eat – Low-fat milk, egg whites, non-fat yogurt, and unflavored soy milk.

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4. Recipe To Make A Perfect Diabetes-Friendly Meal

You can make delicious kebabs by following this recipe. It is tasty, low in calories, and very appealing to your tastebuds.

Vegetable Kebab


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What You Need

  • 1 capsicum
  • 1/2 a carrot
  • 1/2 sweet potato
  • 5-6 broccoli florets
  • 7-8 button mushrooms or 8 cubes of paneer
  • 1 tomato
  • 3-4 tablespoon curd
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon ginger paste
  • 1 teaspoon garlic paste
  • 1/2 tablespoon mustard oil
  • Salt (as per taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
  • 1 teaspoon pudina paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Skewers

How To Prepare

  1. Take three to four tablespoons of curd in a bowl.
  1. Add all the ingredients in a bowl.
  1. Add salt to taste.
  1. Mix the curd well.
  1. Cut the veggies and paneer into medium-sized cubes. If you are using mushroom, use them whole.
  1. Rub the curd mix on the veggies and paneer or mushrooms.
  1. Skewer the ingredients and put them on a barbecue holder grill.
  1. Drizzle a little oil on both sides of the skewered veggies.
  1. Start cooking over low flame for about five to seven minutes on each side.
  1. Cook in high flame for two to three minutes on each side.
  1. Serve hot with a dash of fresh lime and two small chapatis.

Non-Vegetarian Alternative

You can use fish or chicken instead of paneer or mushroom.

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5. Why Will Diabetes Diet Plan Work?

In the diabetes diet chart, we have carefully chosen foods that are beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. These foods are rich in essential nutrients needed by our body to function properly. We cannot completely eliminate good fats and good cholesterol from our diet. Maintaining healthy weight is not easy as people suffering from diabetes feel hungry more often, forcing them to overeat. Therefore, we have divided the diet plan into seven meals.

It is very important to start your day with a good detox drink. It will flush out the residual toxins in your body, help in better digestion, prevent constipation, and also rejuvenate your skin cells. Breakfast is the chief meal of the day. Have a heavy breakfast every day. This will provide your body with the food it needs to shake your cells up and get them to work. Incorporate at least two servings of vegetables and at least two seasonal fruits (low sugar content) and milk (without sugar) every day. This will provide your body with vitamins and minerals. The bedtime milk or buttermilk will aid in better sleep and help in digesting food. Maintaining the right body weight will help your body not to be insulin-resistant.

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6. Lifestyle For Diabetics


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Our lifestyle has a major impact on our health. A better lifestyle can cure mental illnesses and diseases like cancer. Waking up early, practicing yoga, working out, eating right, getting proper sleep, meditating, taking out time for yourself, going to bed early, etc. are a few changes that will bring positivity and happiness in your life. You will feel less stressed out. This will boost your immune system and help your body to function normally.

I would recommend that you maintain a journal to keep track of your progress. Write down your ‘next day goals’, such as waking up early, going for a swim, etc. The next day, check the tasks that you were able to complete. This method will also give you the joy of accomplishing small goals. Gradually, you will not need the journal anymore. You will love your new lifestyle and a whole new you.

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7. Dos And Don’ts

Things To Do Things Not To Do
Avoid sugar-rich food. Use artificial sweeteners in small amounts. Do not eat salty foods.
Drink detox drinks every morning. Do not skip breakfast.
Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid using too much oil to prepare the food.
Bake cakes or make sweets at home using less sugar or artificial sweetener in measured amounts. Do not eat sweets or cakes/pastries that have high sugar content.
Tame your hunger pangs by drinking water, fruit juice, buttermilk, etc. Do not go to bed late and wake up late.
Eat dry fruits, but in very less quantity. Do not eat foods that have high bad fat and bad cholesterol content.
Work out every day. Do not overstress yourself.
Consult your doctor to know your ideal weight and work towards achieving it. Do not follow any diet without consulting your doctor.

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8. Conclusion

Diabetes is incurable. However, it’s severity can be toned down. Switch to a better lifestyle. Eat right and work out to keep your mind and body in balance. Too much fatty food will make you more insulin resistant, making you eat more. Therefore, following a diet that is apt for people suffering from diabetes will help in controlled weight loss. Follow the diabetes diet and let us know whether it worked for you. You can also post your suggestions in the comments box.

Cheers to good health!

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9. FAQs

  • I am 24 years old, and I have been diagnosed with diabetes. Does this mean I have to follow a restricted diet for the rest of my life?

I do not prefer calling it a “restricted diet”, rather I prefer calling it a “controlled diet”. You can have anything you want, but have to keep a check on your daily sugar and salt intake. Yes, it is true that you have to avoid certain foods that, in general, do no good to anybody. Be active, avoid a sedentary lifestyle, and practice yoga.

  • Will drinking bitter gourd juice or neem juice help to treat diabetes?

Yes. Doctors recommend bitter gourd juice and neem leaves juice for diabetics. There is scientific evidence that bitter gourd and neem help in lowering the blood glucose levels. You can either have boiled bitter gourd or chew three or four neem leaves first thing in the morning.

  • I am 62 years old, and I cannot do heavy workouts. Please suggest any other alternative.

Start by going on long, lazy walks. Later, pick up the pace of your walking. You can also practice pranayama. Please take the help of a yoga expert before starting your daily yoga sessions.

  • How much weight will I lose?

Check with your doctor to know what your ideal weight should be, according to your age, medical history, sex, current weight, bone mass, etc. Then, plan your daily diet accordingly to reach your ideal weight.

  • Is eucalyptus oil effective in treating diabetes? Where can I buy eucalyptus oil?

Yes, there is scientific evidence that eucalyptus oil helps reduce blood glucose levels. You can buy eucalyptus oil from various online stores. Mix four to five drops of eucalyptus oil in warm water or warm milk and drink it. Make sure not to add too much of eucalyptus oil as it might be toxic.

  • Which fruits should I eat?

Eat gooseberries, black plum (jamun), apple, banana, guava (not ripe), raw papaya, etc. You can also eat fruits that have high fructose content such as mango, litchi, and grapes. But make sure not to eat too much.

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The post Diabetes Diet Plan For Indians appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Charushila Biswas via STYLECRAZE

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