Starting Work Before 10 Can Be More Than Torturous, Scientists Say

4:39 AM

Some of us just cannot adhere to the 9 to 5 schedules that most jobs demand. We wake up groggy, disoriented, and unmotivated to do anything other than go back to bed. This is seen as the universal sign for laziness. But it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Scientists have now come forward with the revelation that getting to work anytime before 10 AM can result in sleep deprivation, and is nothing short of torture.
According to Dr Paul Kelley, a clinical research associate at Oxford, it is not possible to “learn to get up at a certain time.” Our bodies have internal clocks called circadian rhythms, which operates in 24-hour cycles. When we sleep and how long we sleep is determined by them. They also govern all the important physiological functions, including heart rate, metabolism, and immune response. Circadian rhythms tend to shift forward as we grow older, and the 9 to 5 schedule most work places adhere to is very appropriate for someone who is 55. But, since a majority of the workforce falls under the age group of 18-34, this stringent schedule can take a serious toll on them. It can affect their physical and emotional well-being, and increase the risk for a multitude of health problems, including obesity, depression, and substance abuse.
Most of the research work related to sleep deprivation had been confined to the effect it had on young children and adolescents, but now, it is all set to include young adults in their 20s and 30s. However, the conclusion will remain the same. The amount of sleep one gets has a huge impact on their performance and quality of life. Sleep-deprived people tend to be accident-prone and are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs than their well-rested counterparts. Which is why, for a more productive workforce and better-adjusted individuals, work shouldn’t start before 10.

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