Eliminate Pain Within Minutes With These Special Movements

5:46 AM

Whether you are a fitness enthusiast, an athlete, or a self-proclaimed couch potato, body pain can make you miserable at any time. Instances of crippling pain shooting through your muscles as you sit at your desk at work can cause a lot of agony. However, there are a few proactive measures you can undertake to ensure that the pain subsides. They might seem difficult at first, but you must try these movements to ease the tension from the muscles and get relief from the dreaded muscle pain.
For Lower Back Pain: While sitting in the chair, fold your knee and bring your leg close to your chest. Keeping your hands on your heel, try to pull your knee close to your body. Hold it for about a minute, then let go. Remember, you must keep your back straight while you do this.
Joint Pain In The Hand: Typing or writing at a stretch can cause your hand and joints to ache. Simply clench your fingers into a fist and release. Repeat this for a few times to ease the joints.
Upper Back Pain: Sometimes, sitting in your chair for a long time can cause the muscles in your back to get tight. You can stretch those muscles by giving yourself a hug. It will allow the muscles in your upper arm and back to stretch and release the built-up pressure.
Neck Pain: Another common body part where pain surfaces is the neck. Take a few minutes to do this exercise. Keep your back straight and tilt your head to one side. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then tilt it to the other side. Repeat this for at least five times.
Knee Pain: If your knee begins to hurt, do this – keeping your back straight, place your feet together, legs perpendicular to the floor. Then, start raising your leg from your knee so that your leg is parallel to the floor. Follow this up with the other leg. Your feet should move in a kicking motion. This will help release the pain from your knees.
Muscle aches can ensue from stiffness that is caused by constant muscle flexing, fatigue, or inactivity. Whichever the case, the pain can be agonizing. However, these simple stretches can go a long way in relieving the pain.

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