50 Of the Tiniest, Most Tasteful Tattoos Ever

11:31 PM

​Tattoos are a work of art. Whether they are carefully hidden away or displayed in all their glory, they hold a lot of significance to the one who has been inked. The idea holds a great deal of appeal, but when you see people with more ink showing than skin, it scares you right off the idea of getting tattooed. In addition, the permanence of a tattoo holds you back from taking the plunge.

But these tattoos prove that powerful things can come in tiny packages. Here are ideas for tiny, little tattoos for the minimalist in you.

1. Matching Infinity:

Matching Infinity

Image: Instagram

The infinity symbol has to be one of the most popular tattoos around. It is simplistic in style and carries a lot of meaning. It denotes limitlessness or boundlessness, and often has some special significance to the one who has got it tattooed. Be it friendship, love, or any other emotion, their infinite scope can be epitomized by this simple symbol.

Impossibly tiny, matching infinities – it is a great tattoo idea to signify your friendship or love in a way words alone can’t.

2. Infinite Love:

Infinite Love

Image: Instagram

This is a rather romantic take on the infinity symbol, which is intertwined with a heart. And there couldn’t be a better way to express the limitless scope of love.

3. Double Infinity:

Double Infinity

Image: Instagram

This tattoo has been made popular by the famous TV show, Revenge. You can now see this tattoo, which the protagonist Emily sports on her neck, popping up everywhere. In the show itself, it serves as a remembrance for her father. It has been interpreted in many different ways, one of which is forever and beyond forever.

4. Infinite Words:

Infinite Words

Image: Instagram

“Love the life you live, live the life you love” are famous words by Bob Marley. Looped in an infinity adds so much meaning to these words.

5. You’ve Got Mail:

You’ve Got Mail

Image: Instagram

Envelopes have been an integral part of communication. Sure, they are the cover that letters or other things came in. But the envelope said as much as any letter could. The type, the paper – they were all an indication of what it might contain.

6. Enso:


Image: Instagram

This symbol is called the Enso, and is also known as the Zen Circle. It is an important symbol associated with Buddhism. Traditionally, it was drawn with a single brushstroke. It is a representation of enlightenment. It also signifies the Zen state that is achieved through meditation.

7. Dragonfly:


Image: Instagram

The dragonfly has been a symbol for harmony and prosperity in many cultures. They have been a much-admired species in Asia and America.

8. Infinite Scope:

Infinite Scope

Image: Instagram

Get marked for ever with this pretty hearts and a raging fire tattoo. This is a designer take on the infinity tattoo.

9. Paws:



Image: Instagram

They say that dogs are a man’s best friend. If you can’t get enough of your furry bundle of affection, then this tattoo is for you.

10. Bent Arrow:

Bent Arrow

Image: Instagram

Life can be full of setbacks. But don’t let them stop you from getting where you want to be. Arrows, as unlikely as it may seem, have been a symbol for moving forward. The bow sets back the arrow, only to build up tension and send it flying. It symbolizes that the setbacks people face ultimately help them shoot up.

11. Transition:


Image: Instagram

Glyphs are basically symbols that are used for representation. Tattoos of glyphs have risen in popularity, and a triangle with a ‘V’ is the symbol for transition. Change is a difficult, but inevitable part of life. It is what helps us evolve. This tattoo marks the end of an era or a phase, but also the beginning of a new one.

12. Connect:


Image: Instagram

We are social animals; each of us looking for something or someone to connect to. And this need is represented by this glyph that means ‘connect’.

13. Friendship:


Image: Instagram

Tattoos last forever. And so do friendships. This simple glyph stands for friendship, and how it can last a lifetime.

14. Exploring Harmony:

Exploring Harmony

Image: Instagram

These two glyphs stand for ‘explore’ and ‘harmony’.

15. Transcend:


Image: Instagram

Spiritual or not, transcendence is a notion that holds a lot of importance to us all. The glyph is a triangle with a line that crosses over. This speaks of breaking free of any limitations put upon us.

16. The Mandorla:

The Mandorla

Image: Instagram

The Mandorla is a symbol that is represented by two overlapping circles. Two things that seem to be poles apart, but actually are complementary, is what is meant by this symbol.

17. Eye of Horus:

Eye of Horus

Image: Instagram

Most of us are familiar with this symbol, and have come across it at one time or another. It is actually an ancient symbol that is called the Eye of the Horus. It can be traced back to Egyptian mythology, where it was used as a symbol for protection to ward off evil.

18. Lunar Triple Goddess:

Lunar Triple Goddess

Image: Instagram

The Lunar Triple Goddess is a neopagan symbol. It represents the three stages of the moon, as it waxes and wanes. It is also the representation of the three ages of womanhood and the feminine aspect of the universe.

19. The Dark Moon:

The Dark Moon

Image: Instagram

The crescent moon can seem to be on the frivolous side, but it is rife with connotations. It is the astrological symbol for the moon, and also stands for silver in alchemy. It represents femininity and fluidity.

20. Vesica Pisces:

Vesica Pisces

Image: Instagram

This tattoo has been derived from the Mandorla, depicting just the intersected part of the circles. It is a symbol strongly associated with Christianity, and is known to appear in quite a few artifacts.

21. The Explorer:

The Explorer

Image: Instagram

These glyphs are action glyphs, representing “transform” and “explore.”

22. The Photographer:

The Photographer

Image: Instagram

A picture is worth a thousand words, that’s what makes a camera worth many more.

23. The Smile:

The Smile

Image: Instagram

There are plenty of things in life to be happy about, all you need is a reminder to smile.

24. Checkered Triangles:

Checkered Triangles

Image: Instagram

A take on the popular yin and yang, this speaks of opposing yet complementary forces that exist.

25. Fly Away:


Fly Away

Image: Instagram

Let peace be a part of you with this tattoo of a dove, as they are the universal symbol for peace.

26. Bow:


Image: Instagram

Bring out your feminine side with this elegant little tattoo of a bow.

27. The Sky:

The Sky

Image: Instagram

Birds stand for freedom. Set yourself free by getting this tattoo of flying birds inked.

28. Nautical:


Image: Instagram

Let the tattoo of an anchor remind you to stay grounded, even when you set sail.

29. Porcupine:


Image: Instagram

The porcupine is the animal of joy and childlike wonder. Get it tattooed to celebrate your childhood.

30. Ellipsis:


Image: Instagram

Who would have thought that three simple dots could carry so much meaning? An ellipsis is used to convey an unfinished thought, an unspoken implication. It can also mean that there is more that is yet to come.

31. Hashtag:


Image: Instagram

The hashtag has gathered momentum in recent years, with its use in tagging posts according to a theme or subject. But preceding social media, it was the number symbol. Either way, this makes for an interesting tattoo.

32. The Cross:

The Cross

Image: Instagram

The cross is a symbol that is mostly associated with Christianity. But it has been in use long before the birth of Christ. Prominent cultures used it as a religious symbol. It was also used to portray the four physical elements and sometimes, the four cardinal directions.

33. Hummingbird:


Image: Instagram

The hummingbird holds a lot of significance. As a spirit animal, it is stands for happiness and general enjoyment of life.

34. The Peace Symbol:

The Peace Symbol

Image: Instagram

The peace symbol tattoos are not just for hippies. There is a lot of history behind the symbol, which basically stands for a dove and an olive branch.

35. The Quote-Unquote:

The Quote-Unquote

Image: Instagram

This one is for the sarcastic soul, whose snappy comebacks are the highlights of every gathering.

36. Queen of Hearts:

Queen of Hearts

Image: Instagram

The Queen of Hearts – she may be just a character on playing cards, but she seems to be the most popular character around, with a poem to her name and a character from Alice in Wonderland named after her.

37. Fern:


Image: Instagram

The fern has been associated with sincerity. It is also associated with magic and a sense of fascination. It also represents the secret bond of love.

38. Snowflake:


Image: Instagram

Each snowflake is said to be unique. What could be a better way to acknowledge your uniqueness than getting a tattoo of a snowflake done?

39. The Cat:

The Cat

Image: Instagram

The cat is the beloved animal of many. They have been associated with a wide range of attributes. Cats, particularly the black ones, have been regarded as an evil omen. But in ancient Egypt, cats had been elevated to a godly level, and worshipped for their beauty and grace.

40. Feather:


Image: Instagram

Feathers have had a great deal of importance in Native American culture. They stand for honor. Feathers also represent the connection between a person and his creator.

41. The Pisces:

The Pisces

Image: Instagram

The astrological symbol for Pisces, this symbol comprises two fishes. It is said that Pisceans are extremely sensitive people, in tune with the world around them. They are extremely perceptive, and tend to be creative and artistic.

42. Fall:


Image: Instagram

Stark and reminiscent of the gothic, this tattoo of a tree with no leaves says that change is inevitable.

43. Numbers:


Image: Instagram

Numbers can hold a special meaning to the wearer. It may mark a birthday, an anniversary, or a special event.

44. Locked Up:

Locked Up

Image: Instagram

A tattoo of a lock holds a lot of significance. Usually, people get a lock inked when they are facing an obstacle. It is followed up by the tattoo of a key, to symbolize that the obstacle has been overcome.

45. Double-Cross:


Image: Instagram

Two crosses placed together are actually the Roman numerical for the number 20.

46. Hung Over:

Hung Over

Image: Instagram

The cloth hanger tattoo has been sported by quite a few models to symbolize that they are treated as ‘clothes horses’.

47. Yin-Yang:


Image: Instagram

The Yin Yang is a symbol that depicts how seemingly opposing forces are actually complementary. The Yin is the passive, negative force while yang is the active, positive force.

48. Diamond:


Image: Instagram

A diamond you won’t be afraid of losing, inked into your skin! It represents strength.

49. Airplane:


Image: Instagram

Missing the days of sandboxes and paper planes? Now you can carry a piece of your childhood with you no matter how old you are.

50. Antlers:


Image: Instagram

Antlers, as a symbol, have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years. They have been associated with strength and power. This symbol has been an object of worship in many cultures.

Tattoos can be incredible, no matter what the size. But, as the age-old advice goes, it is the smaller things that matter the most. Small does not necessarily mean insignificant. Even the tiniest of tattoos can pack a big punch. Do let us know which one has captured your heart and soul. As they say, tattoos are forever!

The post 50 Of the Tiniest, Most Tasteful Tattoos Ever appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Bhavna Panda via STYLECRAZE

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