You’re Gonna Lose….A Lot Of Weight – 15 ‘Oh So Simple’ Tips!

2:18 AM

Did you get up today morning with a decision to kick start your weight loss mission? Have you been doing this for quite long, but could never be successful? Don’t worry – it’s never too late to do something!

Research proves that taking baby steps, and not giant leaps, gives you the best and long lasting results. While you’re planning to join some fitness course, we’ve a few simple things you can start doing from today to shed those stubborn pounds.

1. Pick Up A Pen:

Pick Up A Pen

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Mindlessly munching on snacks would result in eliminating your efforts. List out what and how much you have eaten, so that you can keep your practice under control.

Maintaining a food log helps to keep a reality check over what you eat. Knowing your daily routine will help you figure out the changes that are meant to be made to your daily diet!

2. Start Your Day With Lemon Water:

Day With Lemon Water

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By doing this, you not only suppress your weight gain but also decrease your body fat! You can also add a dash of cinnamon to it.

3. Drink More Water:

Drink More Water

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Make it a daily routine – fill 3 bottles of water as soon as you get up, and make sure that you finish it off by the time you hit your bed.

4. Climb Stairs Instead Of Using Elevators!

Climb Stairs Instead Of Using Elevators

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Have a choice between climbing and riding the elevator? Opt for climbing! 2 to 3 minutes of stair climbing every day can burn enough calories.

If you’re already a dedicated climber, aim to add 3 more floors to your daily trek!
Organise your day and give priority to your health. Go easy at first, and then gradually increase. Just like any other task, small successes motivate you to pursue higher goals.

5. Before Every Meal, Drink A Glass Of Water:

Drink A Glass Of Water

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Drinking a glass of water before a meal can help you identify the difference between your hunger and thirst!

6. Reduce Your Tea And Coffee Intake:

Tea And Coffee Intake

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Try to make it less than 2 cups a day – and replace sugar with jaggery or honey. Or you can simply reduce the amount of sugar.

7. Eat Out Once A week!

Eat Out Once A week

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Tap the high-fat food (your typical favorites!) once a while and gradually down-shift. At the same time, add some good-for-you foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, broccoli, carrots, etc.

8. With Every Serving, Reduce Your Meal By 1 Tablespoon:

With Every Serving

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Every time you eat your food, serve a spoon less than usual. By the month end, you’ll definitely be able to lose a certain amount of calories!

9. Chew More!

Chew More

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By eating slow and chewing more, you allow more time for your brain and stomach to sync with each other. The approximate time your stomach takes to send a green signal to your brain that you are full is around 20 to 30 minutes.

Take a small bite, chew slowly, move it around your mouth, focus more on its taste and texture, and then swallow. Continue this eating exercise for as long as you want!

10. Get Your Dinner Done 3 Hours Before You Hit The Sack:

Hours Before You Hit The Sack

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Try to keep your dinner very light and maintain a gap of at least 3 hours between your bedtime and dinner.

11. Ditch Mid-Night Snacking:

Ditch Mid-Night Snacking

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Avoid eating snacks post dinner. Instead, eat a small healthy snack or salad before dinner. This will help you feel more satisfied and will eliminate your craving to indulge!

12. Avoid Aerated Drinks:

Avoid Aerated Drinks

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Consuming sugar-sweetened, aerated drinks adds calories to your diet and increases your risk of obesity.

13. Eat Fruits. Don’t Drink Them!

 Eat Fruits

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Eat the whole fruit and start skipping the juice. By doing so, you will not only get more healthy fiber in your diet, but you will also stay satisfied for long.

When you chew food, your body tends to generate more saliva, which carries a message to your brain that your gut needs to be ready for the digestion process.

Whilst drinking doesn’t need to undergo any such digestion process, your body doesn’t register that it’s already full.

14. If You Have A Craving For A Pizza, Have It In Between Meals!

Craving For A Pizza

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Try to replace your favorite junk foods with some healthy snacks in between your meals. Even though you have them once in a while, drink lemon water with cinnamon immediately after your meal. Plain lemon water also works!

15. Carry A Pedometer With You!

Carry A Pedometer With You

Image: Shutterstock

Just like your cell phone, consider your pedometer as your must-have accessory. Research proves that people carrying a pedometer walk 1 mile more, or nearly 2,000 steps more than the non-users, which in turn burns around 100 calories a day!
Once these daily healthy habits become second nature, they’ll benefit you for a lifetime! Now that I’ve shared the ways to kick start weight loss, I want to turn it over to you. Start practising them and take a step ahead towards your weight loss goals!

The post You’re Gonna Lose….A Lot Of Weight – 15 ‘Oh So Simple’ Tips! appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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