What Is ‘Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder’ and How To Treat It?

12:39 AM

Do you find it hard to sleep in the night? Does your body fail to adjust to the day and night cycles normally? Then probably you might be suffering from the Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder. But don’t worry as this post talks about it in detail and also offers advice on how to treat it. Would you like to know more? Keep reading this post.

The Nuances Of Non-24-Hour Sleep–Wake Disorder:

The human body has a circadian clock that is located in the brain’s hypothalamus region. It has a default cycle, which lasts more than 24 hours. This slight deviation gets corrected when the body is exposed to cycles of light and darkness in the environment. The solar light helps reset this clock earlier, making it in sync with the 24-hour period. If people are deprived of external light cues, the circadian rhythm runs freely. If they are exposed to environmental factors, the deviation in sleep-wake cycles can be reduced. However, it is quite hard to eliminate the deviation in the circadian clock altogether.
People with the Non-24 hour sleep-wake disorder have circadian rhythms set on extended loops. In some cases, people have been found to be staying awake for more than 36 hours at a stretch. They also sleep for as long as 24 hours after that awake phase! However, such cases are deemed excessive, even for these patients.

Consequences Of Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Syndrome:

While the Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder does not lead to serious health complications, the afflicted lot can face real world problems. They may find it difficult to hold on to regular jobs, for example. Students afflicted with this disorder will find it tedious to attend their classes. Without proper clinical intervention, the victims cannot get out of these unconventional sleeping and awakening states. The intensity of deviation can go up and down with time.
While there is no major health complication, people suffering from this condition should seek expert medical intervention. The unusual sleep and awakening cycle may lead to social isolation in some people, leading to depression.
People with this disorder have a hard time trying to cope with cycle changes. These can be necessitated by vacations, touring in countries with different time zones. They may find it hard to cope with effects of medications like sedatives as well. They can be subjected to chronic fatigue under such situations.
People with sight who try to force themselves out of the unconventional sleep-wake cycle caused by this disorder may develop other symptoms and complications. They may suffer from fatigue, headache, reduced appetite and insomnia.

Who Are Affected By Non-24-Hour Sleep–Wake Disorder?

As a matter of fact, a majority of people afflicted with this condition are blind. In fact, more than 50% of the victims tend to be blind or with acute visual drawbacks. This happens even though they have biological clocks. Without the light cue, the clock cannot function in such people. In a lot of cases, people develop this disorder after losing eyesight.
For people with sight, the syndrome is rare, but not exactly unheard of! Sometimes, inadequate exposure to sunlight on a daily basis leads to the onset of this condition. Studies have indicated that people afflicted with delayed sleep phase disorder are more susceptible to the non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome.
The disorder can affect people hailing from various age groups. Sometimes, kids can also get affected by it.
People, who are subjected to an imbalance of a hormone named melatonin, can develop this disorder over time, as it has been observed. Melatonin has a role in causing sleep as per day-night cycle. Both excess of melatonin and lack of it may lead to the onset of this disorder. In fact, sometimes taking medications that enhance the hormone can lead to this condition in people.

Ways To Treat Non-24-Hour Sleep–Wake Disorder?

The doctors can conduct a number of tests on you to identify factors contributing to the disorder. They may analyze aspects like usage of medications, lifestyle, and sleep habits.
Treatment often centres on efforts to change the sleeping cycle by altering events in your daily schedule. Melatonin is administered to a majority of people coping with this disorder. Sighted people are also advised to try out light treatment and acupuncture.
You need to keep in mind there is no fixed cure for Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder. Any therapy or treatment may take a really long time before you can feel the benefits. Doctors recommend constant monitoring and consistent application of corrective measures. Keeping a diary to take note of daily sleeping hours or using Smartphone and web apps can also benefit the victims.
People with normal sight afflicted with this disorder have tried using family interventions and alarm clocks to adhere to the general sleep-wake cycle. However, most such efforts have proved to be ineffective. In some cases, exposure to bright light on awakening has produced positive results. Exposing the body to bright sunlight can also be of help. Applying light or arranging for lack of light at specific times of the day can be helpful in this regard.

The Latest Developments:

The US FDA has approved usage of melatonin receptor named Hetlioz for treating patients of Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder. As per the views of FDA, using Hetlioz can improve sleep efficacy and capacity to stay awake at daytime for the victims. It is made by Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Washington, D.C.
In two trials that were carried out on more than 100 totally blind individuals, application of Hetlioz produced significant improvements. Some candidates reported about side effects like nightmares, urinary tract infection, headache and drowsiness. However, it will be unwise for men and women with this syndrome to opt for OTC medications with melatonin without seeking medical advice.
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