Vinegar is the New Plumber. Use It To Unclog Your Kitchen Sink!

2:58 AM

With so many uses around the house, this super item – white vinegar or apple cider vinegar- deserves a special corner in your pantry. It is one of those all-purpose things that has multiple uses – and its use is not limited to the kitchen. If you have not yet discovered this super item’s benefits, then you’ve really been missing out on a lot.
I’ve compiled a few tips to make that bottle of vinegar work for you. Life becomes a million times easier when you realize that how useful and handy vinegar is! Let’s look at the ways in which we can use it:

1. Stinky Trash:

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Does your trash bin smell like something has died in it even though it’s empty? Simple, grab a piece of bread and pour white vinegar over it. Let it soak up the liquid. Place it at the bottom of the bin and let it sit overnight. Remove it the next day; the awful smell will be no more!

2. Clogged Sink:

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Is your sink clogged and you don’t have a drainer? Grab some apple cider vinegar and some baking soda. Pour about a half a cup of baking soda into the drain and then a cup of vinegar. Once it starts foaming, wash it out with hot water. No more clogs!

3. Fabric Softener:

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To have a cleaner and better-smelling laundry, pour a cupful of white vinegar into the washing machine and rinse your clothes. It will freshen up the clothes.

4. Daily Bathroom Cleaner:

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Add white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it on your bathroom floor; scrub with a brush and wash it away with fresh water. Easiest way to get rid of mildew in the bathroom!

5. Clean The Leather Articles:

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DIY- Dry Cleaning! Mix white vinegar with linseed oil and rub the mixture over your leather items. Later polish it with a soft cloth.

6. Wash The Shower Curtain:

Wash The Shower Curtain
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Put your shower curtain in a bucket of water and add a cup of distilled vinegar. Rinse and hang to dry. It will remove the dirt and disinfect the curtain.

7. Get Rid Of Odors From Utensils:

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If your pans and utensils have stains on it, apply apple cider vinegar with a soft rag on the affected area, and the stains will be gone.
Using vinegar as a finisher while dishwashing will make your dishes super clean and odor-free!

8. Restore Your Rugs:

Restore Your Rugs
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Bring your old and dingy looking carpet back to life by cleaning them with a push broom dipped in a white vinegar and water solution.

9. Remove The Sticky Residue From Walls:

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Did a sticker or tape leave behind a sticky residue on your wall? Grab some white vinegar and apply on the area, let it sit for a few seconds and scrub away the glue!

10. To Fight Dandruff:

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Vinegar helps to fight dandruff. After shampooing, just rinse your scalp with distilled vinegar solution, and your scalp will be dandruff-free!

11. For A Sore Throat:

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While gargling with warm water, add a teaspoon of white vinegar in it. It will help provide a quick relief to your sore throat.

12. Keep Your Flowers Fresh:

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Tired of those lovely flowers drying so quickly? To keep your flowers fresh for a longer time, mix a few spoons of white vinegar in water and pour the solution into the vase. The freshness will remain for a longer period.

13. Remove weeds from your garden:

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Pour a large amount of white vinegar on the grass and weeds in your garden. As simple as that!

14. Remove Warts:

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If you don’t wish to go for any treatment to remove the warts, then vinegar can help you remove them naturally. Mix a cup of white vinegar in lukewarm water. Apply on the affected area everyday for around 15- 20 minutes until they disappear.

15. Keep Your Cat Away:

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Cats hate vinegar. The best and easiest way to keep them away from specific areas or urinating on their favorite spots is to spray some white vinegar over the place. You will never find them hogging that place again!

16. Make Your Pets Odor-Free:

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Mix distilled vinegar in water in 2:1 ratio and bathe your pets with it. Rinse thoroughly. The bad odor will be gone.
You can also wipe their ears with a paper towel and a bit of vinegar solution to help them lesson the continuous scratching.

17. As A Bug Spray:

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Combine equal amounts of water, white vinegar and liquid dish washer and add it in a spray bottle. Shake well and your bug spray is ready to use!

18. Get Your Last Bit Of Mayonnaise Out Of The Jar:

Mayonnaise Out Of The Jar
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Cannot afford to miss the last bit of mayonnaise left inside the jar? Here’s the trick to take that out – add 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar to the mayo in the jar and shake it well. You’ll be able to take out the left out!

19. Clean Your DVDs:

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Pour some distilled vinegar on a soft cloth and wipe your DVDs with it. It will get cleaned; and no leftover scratches!

20. Fluffy And Non – Sticky Rice:

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Before adding rice to the boiling water, add a spoon of white vinegar to it. The rice would be more fluffy, less sticky and easier to spoon.

21. Soak Fish In Vinegar Before Cooking:

Soak Fish In Vinegar Before Cooking
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When you soak fish in vinegar before cooking, it becomes tender, sweet and its shape will be retained even after getting tossed in the pan. White vinegar helps the fish from breaking apart when you cook it.
You can also add a little vinegar in the water while boiling eggs; it prevents the white portion from leaking out.
Practically, there is no reason to keep the vinegar away from your house. Here’s the icing on the cake- they can be stored for years and are very cheap!
What are your household tricks for vinegar? Share with us in the comments box below!

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