8 Completely Legit Reasons Why You Need a Massage Post Workout

4:29 AM

Massage – Aaahhh, the word itself conjures up the image of blissful relaxation, peaceful atmosphere and scented oils all around you. I wish I could go for one right away!

But, did you know that massage helps to make your daily work out easier? A massage isn’t just a luxury that you go and get at the spa; it can help boost up your workouts so that you get the desired results.

The ancient Greeks actually believed that it is a massage a day that keeps the doctor away, rather than an apple! It comes up with a number of health benefits and this is the reason why massage therapy has gained world-wide acceptance as a “routine consultation” and not as a “luxury experience”.

Here, I’ve mentioned 8 ways in which a daily massage can help you improve your fitness routine:

1. Massage Is Basically A Painkiller:

Massage Is Basically A Painkiller

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After an intense workout, your muscles tend to become contracted, and they just become so tight that soon after they start paining. A good massage can help you get rid of that pain!

As soon as your masseur gets his hands on your body, the pain seems to get blown away the very next moment! No need of any prescription to get your massage done, just ask the masseur to press the fingers on those pain points and you’ll feel relieved from the pain very soon!

2. It Helps You Relax Mentally And Reduces The Stress:

Relax Mentally And Reduces The Stress

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If you’re just dedicated towards your weight loss or fitness training program, it’s definitely not going to be beneficial for you! Physical fitness + mental fitness together result in a healthy body. And if you’re ignoring your mental fitness for the craving of physical fitness, then it’s not gonna work.

Massage can give you a nice balance and is therefore termed as – stress reliever! It can alleviate the tensions in muscles and mind and help you relax.

3. It Makes Exercise Feel Easier:

Makes Exercise Feel Easier

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Yes, you read that right. If you start exercising with soreness in your muscles, it can make your limbs feel heavier, as if a net is holding you down. Massage can release the tension in your muscles and help you feel better so that you can resume your exercise routine with a bang!

4. Massage Boosts Your Immunity And Improves Flexibility:

Boosts Your Immunity And Improves Flexibility

Image: Shutterstock

Massage not only enhances blood circulation, but also changes the blood’s composition for the better. After a soothing massage, there is a significant increase in the levels of blood protein; and that turns out to be a helping hand to fight against tumors and other viral infections.

Regular massage also helps to improve your trunk flexibility and relieves the pain associated with body stiffness.

5. It Reduces Muscle Soreness:

Reduces Muscle Soreness

Image: Shutterstock

Your muscles can really pain a lot while you put them through the ringer in the gym or when you’re pounding over the pavement while running. You can overcome this pain with a simple massage and by stretching. They help to flush out toxins that contribute to the so called “ouch” factor and resume the blood flow, which subdues the pain.

6. Getting A Massage Done Before Exercise Warms Up Your Muscles:

Exercise Warms Up Your Muscles

Image: Shutterstock

Before you start stretching your muscles, try getting a massage. It can help you loosen the muscles and other tissues, and enable you to exercise without putting a strain on them.

7. Massage Improves Blood Circulation And Helps You Relax:

Blood Circulation And Helps You Relax

Image: Shutterstock

While you do the exercise, your body may need around 15 times more oxygen than usual, and that’s the reason you start breathing faster and heavier.

At this point, your body does a tough job of constantly pumping up the blood to and from the heart to carry oxygen to your tissues.
Start off by massaging your limbs and move towards your heart. It will give a moment of relaxation to your muscles and when your massage is over, you will feel so refreshed – kinda you just took a nap! (Obviously a better one!)

You can consider massage as a good investment to strengthen your mental state!

8. Massage Helps To Alleviate Morning Sickness:

Alleviate Morning Sickness

Image: Shutterstock

Is it Monday morning? Or is it raining? Or has something occurred that is not letting you get up from bed and go for a work out?
All you need is a massage! Massage boosts up your mood. And if by chance, sometime in mid-sleep you got a sprain in your neck, this a.m. rub is surely to make your morning less painful!

Now, you don’t have to destroy your body for the type of body you want. Taking care of your body and being kind towards it is all you need!

So, what are you waiting for? Look up a local spa and book for a daily appointment either before or after your workout. You’ll achieve a lot more by combining it with exercise and you’ll find yourself better in the long run.

The post 8 Completely Legit Reasons Why You Need a Massage Post Workout appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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