12 Signs That Spell Caution- Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

12:14 AM

The drastic changes in our lifestyles make cardiovascular diseases a more common phenomenon. Heart attacks are becoming one of the most feared non-communicable diseases today. There are a dozen symptoms to let you know that you might be at a risk of facing a heart attack. But you need to be quick to take note of these, and go see a doctor. It is always a little spark that leads to a fire. So here are 12 symptoms that you should never ignore.

1. Anxiety:


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It is almost like a sense of imminent doom. Heart attacks can cause a surge in anxiety or extreme fear of death, say the survivors of cardiac arrest.

2. A Woozy Feeling In The Chest:

Feeling In The Chest

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Doctors say that the number one symptom they look for while assessing a heart attack is chest pain. But having said that, all heart attacks do not cause that piercing pain in the chest. Also, a chest pain could be an indication of ailments that have nothing much to do with the heart.

So, how do you gauge if a chest pain is an indication of a heart attack? Well, if you feel immense pressure a little to the left of the center of your chest, you should be alarmed. Often, women brand this pain as a minor ache. Women usually face a burning sensation instead of a pressure or pain, and feel that it is acidity or a stomach problem. But they must be aware and take action before it is too late.

3. A Cough:

A Cough

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A persistent cough or constant wheezing is definitely a symptom of a failing heart. This can cause an accumulation of fluids in the lungs. There have been cases where people have coughed up blood phlegm.

4. Dizziness:


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A cardiac arrest is known to cause lightheadedness or fainting. But this is also a symptom of an equally dangerous heart rhythm abnormality called Arrhythmias.

5. Fatigue:


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Women typically face a peculiar type of fatigue while they are going through a heart attack or days or weeks before having one. There can be other reasons, but if you cannot pinpoint the reason, it is best you rush to your doctor or it might be too late.

6. Lack Of Appetite & Nausea:

Lack Of Appetite

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Throwing up and feeling extremely sick in the tummy is not surprising while undergoing a cardiac arrest. The abdomen often undergoes swelling, which can curb hunger.

7. A Hurting Body:

A Hurting Body

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Many cases have reported that the pain commences in the chest, and then moves to the shoulders, arms, back, neck, jaws, and abdomen. Sometimes there is no pain in the chest at all. Sometimes, it is just these other parts of the body that hurt. It could also be just a throbbing pain that comes and goes. But it indicates something far more serious.

8. A Racing Or Irregular Pulse:

Racing Or Irregular Pulse

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A sporadic skip in that beating heart is alright, say doctors. But if the pulse gets rapid and irregular, and is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and breathlessness, it is sure an indication of a possible heart attack or an arrhythmia. An untreated arrhythmia could lead to worsened conditions and even sudden death.

9. Breathlessness:


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Sometimes heart attacks come without chest pains but with severe breathlessness. Here, the victim feels as if they have run a marathon or climbed 30 floors, when in reality they have not moved an inch. The shortness of breath can either come before the chest pain, or with the chest discomfort. So, it is something you need to watch out for.

10. Sweat:


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A cold sweat is a very usual heart failure symptom. You might be sitting and relaxing, and you will suddenly notice intense sweating, as if you have been running for miles.

11. Sudden Swelling:

Sudden Swelling

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A heart attack causes fluid accumulation. This often results in the swelling of the feet, ankles, abdomen, etc. You will also sometimes see a sudden gain in weight, which will in turn lead to a loss of appetite

12. Weakness:


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A few days before the attack (and also when it occurs) you could experience an inexplicable and almost extreme force of weakness in your body, so much so that you might not even be able to hold a piece of paper between your fingers. That is a sign.

These are such simple signs that we face so often in the course of our daily lives. But being a little aware and cautious can help you prepare for the impending doom of the dreaded and feared heart attack. It will help you stay alive!

The post 12 Signs That Spell Caution- Symptoms Of A Heart Attack appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Shirin Mehdi via STYLECRAZE

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