Is Borage Oil Good For Skin?

1:13 AM

Have you been looking for a natural remedy to treat your skin problems? Then borage oil is what you must be using. This oil has amazing healing properties that prove why it is far better than most OTC medications.

Would you like to know more? Continue reading this post.

Borage Oil – An Overview:

Borage is a type of wildflower that is also known as Starflower (1). A large plant bearing bright blue, star-shaped flowers, it is found in almost all the parts of the world. The plant has been widely used as a herb for about 1,500 years. The plant of borage finds mention in one of the texts of the Roman historian Pliny, who has claimed it to be a plant with virtues. During the medieval times, the leaves of borage were brewed with tea for medicinal usage.

Even today, the borage plant is widely grown and harvested, albeit not for the stems and leaves, but for the oil that is found in its seeds. It is one of the most revered natural oils as it is the richest known source of the essential fatty acid, gamma linolenic acid (GLA) (2).

Why Is Borage Oil Effective In Treating Skin Problems?

The human body has the capability to produce the GLA naturally, but for that it requires the starting material – linoleic acid (LA), which is an essential fatty acid. Since our body cannot prepare the LA, it has to be ingested through everyday diet. Most of the edible vegetable oil is dense in LA, and hence, we regularly get the required supply of linoleic acid.

Once the body ingests LA, it reacts with an enzyme known as Delta-6 Desaturase (D6D) that is converted into GLA. So a particular enzyme reaction is necessary for the conversion of LA into GLA, which further is converted into an important compound called prostaglandin 1 (PG1) through a sequence of biochemical steps. The PG1 molecule plays an important role in maintaining the health of the skin. It effectively regulates water loss, exhibits anti-inflammatory effect and protects the skin from damage and injury.

The D6D is often considered a lazy enzyme as it works slowly leading to the deterioration of skin health. The people suffering from skin diseases such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and eczema, display decreased levels of GLA and increased levels of LA. It indicates reduced activity of the D6D enzyme leading to decreased PG1 synthesis (3).
This is where the importance of borage oil comes into the picture. With its rich GLA source, it can readily provide the required GLA for PG1 conversion when applied topically or used as a dietary supplement without affecting the D6D enzyme in any way. In this way, borage oil directly improves the PG1 production without any need to stimulate the D6D to work faster.

Effect Of Borage Oil On Skin:

Recent studies suggest that borage oil, when taken orally, elevates the levels of PG1 in the skin thereby suppressing chronic inflammation. Evidence from the animal studies also indicates that skin disorders related to fatty acid imbalances can be treated by including borage oil in your regular diet. When similar research was conducted on human beings, the findings were confirmed. According to a recent research, when borage oil was used as a dietary supplement in patients suffering from skin disorders, the skin condition showed rapid improvement (4).
Evidence suggests that borage oil not only works well when taken as a dietary supplement, but also is effective when applied topically on the skin. The oil miraculously cures skin disorders, making the skin clear and healthy.

1. Borage Oil Reduces Eczema:

Until a few decades ago, the clinical trials related to GLA were restricted only to evening primrose oil. But the latest research conducted by G.Landi and published in the Journal of Applied Cosmetology throws light on the efficacy of borage oil to alleviate atopic dermatitis or eczema symptoms. It was discovered that when borage oil was used as a supplement and for topical application, it greatly reduced inflammation, scaliness and skin itching caused due to eczema. Although the result varied depending upon the spread of eczema in patients, the treatment resulted in significant curing of the eczema condition (5).

2. Restores Damaged And Dry Skin:

A clinical study by H.P. Nissen and colleagues indicated that regular use of borage oil helped to treat dry skin and restored the softness and moisture of the skin. The study was carried out on 24 subjects in 1995. It revealed the ability of borage oil to restore the smoothness and humidity of the skin that are lost during transepidermal water loss. The researchers from the Heinrich-Heine University and the University of Witten-Herdecke in Germany, and Laboratories Oenobiol in France, have said that borage oil acts internally and improves the health of the skin.

3. Treats Itchy Scalp And Acne:

Due to its moisturizing and hydrating properties, borage oil is helpful in treating all types of skin problems including acne and itchy scalp. Acne caused due to hormonal imbalances or excess of oil production can be effectively treated by the application of borage oil. This oil dilutes the sebum, which is a thick and oily substance over-secreted on the facial skin and responsible for acne eruptions. The essential fatty acids in borage oil reduce the risk of developing lesions and prevent the clogging of pores, thereby lowering the risk of further acne formation.

Similarly, the itchy scalp caused as a result of dryness and flakiness can be soothed by applying borage oil on the scalp as well as taking borage oil supplements internally.

4. Effective In Treating Rosacea:

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition, and its symptoms include swelling or redness of forehead, eyelids, cheeks, chin and nose. The essential fatty acids in borage oil reduce inflammation and control the use of nutrients in cells by producing prostaglandins. This in turn stimulates the contraction of the blood vessels.

5. Works As An Astringent:

Borage oil contains an astringent-like substance known as tannins that helps to tighten the skin and reduces the size of skin pores.

Although borage oil is considered safe on the skin and for internal use, you should consult your physician prior to its use. In case you ingest the oil in an improper amount, it can cause serious side effects, including diarrhea, nausea, intoxication, liver problems, severe headache and bloating.

Use borage oil to treat skin conditions, but be sure to exercise caution while doing so and do not overuse it. Also, be sure to keep this potent mixture out of reach of your kids.

Try borage oil and let us know if it has helped you. You can tell us your experiences by commenting in the box below.

The post Is Borage Oil Good For Skin? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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