How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Treat Gout?

5:02 AM

Have you ever suffered from any joint pain that persists and reoccurs making your life unbearable? The victims of gout can understand how painful and unbearable life can become.

But then, don’t worry, as there is apple cider vinegar that can treat gout. Would you like to know more? Keep reading.

Gout – An Overview:

It is a genetically-linked ailment that gets aggravated by obesity, diet, particularly by fattening foods and alcohol. Gout is characterized by the accumulation of an excess amount of uric acid in body joints, including the toes and knees. The joints affected by gout may become swollen and red, and victims may feel pain in movement (1). Apart from the pain in joints, gout may also lead to the onset of other health complications in the long run if left untreated.

How Gout Occurs?

When the number of sodium crystals in the bloodstream of an individual shoots past the safety levels owing to high uric acid content, gout sets in (2). While uric acid exists in the human body naturally, the production rate should not exceed the excretion rate. This is what leads to the onset of gout. Generally, men aged between 30 and 50 years are more prone to the formation of gout.

Treatment Options For Gout:

In most instances, doctors prescribe medications that reduce pain as well as those that promote uric acid removal from the body. Various types of NSAID class drugs are often prescribed. While using these medications can reduce the pain and eradicate uric acid to an extent, they lead to side effects when used in a chronic manner (3). Gout can also be managed by making certain key lifestyle and dietary changes and using natural solutions. Nowadays, apple cider vinegar is used extensively as a home remedy for gout.

Why Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Gout?

Apple cider vinegar, used mostly for skincare purposes, is also beneficial for treating gout. It contains Malic acid (4), which is effective in dissolving the uric acid in the bloodstream. It also contains potassium that plays a role in waste elimination in the human body. The amino acids in it can help lower toxicity. While apple cider vinegar itself is acid, once it gets into the body, it gets converted into an alkaline material. It reduces the elements and conditions that pave the way for the onset of gout. Eventually, it helps in reducing the swelling and pain caused by gout. The benefit may not be felt instantly, and the amount of relief may vary from one person to another.

Ways To Treat Gout With Apple Cider Vinegar:

As a matter of fact, you can use apple cider vinegar in more than one ways to treat gout and get relief from its symptoms. The top methods are listed below:

1. Taking It Internally:

You can take apple cider vinegar internally to get relief from gout. You may mix it with water and a dash of honey and gulp it down. You may also use warm water to dissolve well and drink the mixture twice a day.

2. Taking It With Fruit Juice:

For some people, the taste of apple cider vinegar is rather unpalatable. They can mix it with fruit juices and gulp it down. However, use homemade fruit juices instead of OTC ones laced with sugar. Also, do not add sugar to the mixture.

3. Applying It Topically:

Along with taking apple cider vinegar internally, you may opt for topical application to get better and faster relief from gout. Use a dry and clean cloth in pure apple cider vinegar and then wrap it on the affected body joint. Keep it on for some time. It will soothe the joint.

4. Taking Foot Bath:

To get relief from gout in legs or hands, take a hot bath in an apple cider vinegar mixture. Take a bucket of hot water and mix a cup of apple cider vinegar in it. Now, soak the hand or leg in it. Let it soak for 30 minutes or so. This can be done on a daily basis.

Choosing The Right Type Of Apple Cider Vinegar:

To reduce symptoms and pains caused by gout, it is imperative that you buy and use the right type of apple cider vinegar.

You will find two types of apple cider vinegar on the market these days. The clear variety found in supermarkets is what people buy for culinary purposes. However, you should opt for the unfiltered raw version. The latter variant does not undergo much processing and thus retains the majority of ingredients. So, it offers more benefits.

Points To Keep In Mind:

While using apple cider vinegar in various ways can be effective in treating gout, a few points should be kept in mind.

Drug Interaction And Co-Usage:

First of all, if you are on conventional medication for gout, do not stop those drugs just because you are using apple cider vinegar. It is also important to know if using ACV will be safe and will not lead to interaction with NSAID class drugs. To be on the safe side, consult a doctor before you start taking apple cider vinegar.

Realistic Expectations:

You also need to keep in mind that apple cider vinegar is not a miracle solution for gout. Its application will reduce the pain and swelling caused by gout, but the relief will not come overnight! You need to be patient and have realistic expectations. The relief is gradual and depends on many other health factors as well.

Changes In Diet And Lifestyle:

Along with applying apple cider vinegar topically and taking it internally, you need to make certain changes in your lifestyle and diet to get lasting relief from gout pain (5). For example, you need to get rid of excess body fat. Cutting down on alcoholic beverages and consumption of fat laden foods is also necessary to keep gout at bay. You may actually get in touch with a doctor to learn which type of foods should be avoided for getting the best results in this regard.

Initial Surge In Symptoms:

When you use apple cider vinegar for the first time, the symptoms of gout will increase slightly, but after that it will start reducing. This happens owing to the dissolving of crystals that causes inflammation.

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The post How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Treat Gout? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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