6 Brilliant Makeup Hacks To Transform Those Sleepy Eyes Real Quick

4:24 AM

Your eyes give away everything, and especially the fact that you have just gotten out from bed and walked into work.

* Embarrassed *

Here is a list of quick, sure-shot and fun hacks that will transform those sleepy eyes almost instantly.

Take a look!

1. The Cold Tea Bag Mask:

On all those lazy mornings, especially Monday mornings, when you struggle to wake up to go to work, you will notice those puffy eyes. They look ugly and unprofessional. Solution? Well, you could recycle used tea bags. All you need to do is toss them into the freezer for about 20 minutes, and then place them on your eyes. The tannins in the tea constrict the blood vessels and lighten the dark circles, and the cold bags reduce the swelling around the eye.

There is also another quick technique you could use, if you are out of tea bags. Just dip an ear-bud in a lovely aromatic cream (something you use regularly), and pop them into the freezer overnight. The next morning, gently rub these q-tips around your eyes. You look fresh as a fiddle!

2. Triangularly Concealed:

How about a mini face-lift in five minutes? This hack has been life-changing for most women who have tried it. It is the fastest way to cover up dark circles, and it makes you look really alive. The triangle gives more coverage as opposed to concealing with just the bags, which, on the contrary, make the imperfections more prominent.

3. The RBG Technique:

Colors are fascinating, and if you get your basics right, they can be fun to play around with. This hack uses the simple rules of color mixing. A nice orange-ish red lip color can cancel out the dark blue circles around your eyes. Remember that a green color can neutralize the redness. If you are on the fairer side, and your circles seem darker, use an orange-ish yellow lip color to conceal. This hack needs a bit of time, patience and practice. It’s all about mixing the colors right and blending them well. You could use a makeup brush or even your fingers to blend.

4. Lash Curls:

On those fuzzy mornings, when sleep gets the better of you, and you are struggling to look wide awake, your eyelash curler shall come to your rescue. Yes! Nicely curled lashes help in opening up the eyes, letting them look wider and fresher. Here’s how to do it right: Use a hair dryer to heat your curler (this will hold the curl for a longer period), and then hold it at a forty-five degree angle. Make sure you grip the curler from the roots, and hold it gently yet firmly for about a minute. Lash away!

5. Three Tone Liner:

When you use black on your upper and lower lash lines and on your water line, your eyes tend to look much smaller than they actually are. So, here’s a simple trick that will make your eyes look nice and wide. All you need to do is use black on your upper lash line, and then use a dark brown to crease your lower lash line. Finish off using a nude pencil on your water line. But make sure you crease both the upper and lower water lines with the nude pencil, or else it will defeat the purpose of the hack and your eyes will continue looking smaller.

6. Highlighting With A Concealer:

Look at how fresh those eyes look! This is probably the simplest hack to make you look stunning in the early hours of the day (no one said you cant do it in the evening). Just use your concealer and highlight all over your lids. Two spots you should never miss: a) directly under your brows, and b) at the corner of your lids. You could also use white eyeliner to outline your brows; this will really make them stand out against that dull, tired skin.

Mornings can be a lot of fun. Just wake up, and smell the coffee!!

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The post 6 Brilliant Makeup Hacks To Transform Those Sleepy Eyes Real Quick appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Shirin Mehdi via STYLECRAZE

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