Sickle Cell Anemia- 10 Lifestyle And Home Remedies

11:59 AM

Are you looking for a natural way to treat sickle cell anemia? You can save yourself the time and trouble of taking frequent trips to the clinic by treating this condition at home. Wondering how? This post talks about the top ten lifestyle and natural remedies that can help you deal with sickle cell anemia.

Would you like to know what they are? Read on.

1. Drink Plenty Of Water:

The risk of a sickle cell crisis can be increased by dehydration. This is why it is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Doctors recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day. It is important to remember to increase your water intake if the climate is hot and dry or if you exercise.

2. Folic Acid And Zinc Supplements:

Folic acid and other essential vitamins are required by the bone marrow for the production of new red blood cells. Doctors recommend taking a folic acid supplement every day to help sickle cell anemia. Consult your doctor to help you find a good supplement.

Zinc too can help in preventing further cell damage along with healing acute leg ulcers that accompany sickle cell anemia. A daily supplement of 100 mg zinc coupled with 2 mg copper can do your body wonders if you are suffering from the condition.

3. Eat A Healthy Diet:

As mentioned above, folic acid is important for making red blood cells. Apart from taking supplements, it is important that you choose foods that are rich in this nutrient and other essential vitamins to include in your diet. This way, you will be able to prevent the different symptoms of sickle cell anemia.

4. Keep Legs Elevated:

One of the complications that sickle cell anemia patients go through is skin ulceration and breakdown in the legs. This is caused by the flow of stagnant blood resulting from sickle blood cells. To treat leg ulcers, it is important to keep this part of your body elevated. You should also change dressings carefully and often.

5. Get Plenty Of Rest:

Bone infarcts and aseptic necrosis are caused by poor blood circulation and they often occur among patients with sickle cell anemia. To treat these painful problems, it is important to get plenty of rest so that damage or deformities are prevented.

6. Avoid Carrying Heavy Things:

Aseptic necrosis can damage large joints like the shoulders or hips permanently. It can lead to tenderness, pain, and disability. To prevent this condition from getting worse and to relieve pain, you should avoid carrying heavy objects at any cost.

7. Herbs:

There are quite a few herbal remedies that you can use to treat sickle cell anemia. Certain herbs are rich in iron phosphate, which your body needs. Dandelion root, nettle leaf, red raspberry leaf, thyme, fenugreek and white oak bark are just some of the herbs you can get large amounts of iron phosphate from.

8. Take Alkaline Baths And Avoid Extreme Temperatures:

23. Another excellent home remedy for sickle cell anemia is alkaline baths. They help in alkalizing your body. Take an alkaline bath regularly by adding sea salt to your bath water. It will help immensely in healing your body as it provides inundation of oxygen and alkalinity.

It is important to keep your body at a normal temperature at all times when you suffer from sickle cell anemia. This is why you should avoid extreme temperatures. You can increase the risk of a crisis by exposing your body to extreme heat or cold.

9. Thiocyanate-Rich Foods:

Thiocyanate is well known for its natural richness in anti-sickling properties. You should eat more foods that are a good source of this substance. Bananas, white yams, plantains, oatmeal, lima beans, Brussel sprouts, turnips, almonds, millet, raspberries, and chickpeas are some of the foods that you can get thiocyanate from.

10. Fish Oil:

7. Yes, grandma was right about fish oil being a potent healer. You can easily reduce the frequency and severity of pain attacks by consuming a fish oil supplement if you suffer from sickle anemia. Your dosage should give you 23 mg of DHA for every 2.2 lbs of body mass.

Sickle cell anemia comes with different symptoms that need to be managed to prevent other serious complications. By using home remedies, you can gain relief from these symptoms and the condition naturally and safely.

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The post Sickle Cell Anemia- 10 Lifestyle And Home Remedies appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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