Can Chocolate Cause Acne?

4:28 AM

Do you love eating chocolates? If the answer is yes, then you definitely have what most like to call “a sweet tooth”! Having a fetish for chocolates isn’t a bad thing, after all. But the bigger question here is, whether chocolates are all that good for your health or skin. Some feel eating chocolates leads to acne, and some believe that’s not entirely true.

In this post, however, you are going to learn the real truth behind chocolates and their connection with acne. To learn more, continue reading!

Causes Of Acne:

The causes of acne are many. As you all know, your skin contains oil glands that are full of sebum. At times, the clogged pores, follicles, and bacteria feed on this oil leading to pimples and breakouts. What makes the acne worse is excessive oiliness, a sudden change in the hormones, inflammation, etc. We still don’t know of the specific foods that cause pimples. In fact, there are some foods you can eat to eliminate acne and spots completely.

Does Chocolate Lead To Breakouts?

According to Doctor Ava Shamban (famous dermatologist from the USA), chocolates don’t really lead to acne. In fact, if you see it in a way, there is hardly any proof that chocolate or any kind of fatty food will cause breakouts. But some experts also say that eating too many sweets or indulging into unhealthy food items frequently can lead to excessive production of oil, which ultimately leads to acne. Again, it won’t be fair to say that sugar directly causes acne. But it indeed is true that over-indulgence in chocolate or other sweets and unhealthy food items can ruin the texture and quality of your skin.

So, since we cannot blame chocolate directly for acne, we still cannot deny the fact that it does fall into the unhealthy category. But what kind of chocolate is actually worse for your skin? Milk, dark, or white?

According to Doctor Shamban, milk and white chocolate have far more sugar and added preservatives than dark chocolate. When food items tend to be excessively sugary, they lead to changes in hormones that could lead to inflammation. This occurs mostly among those who are prone to acne. The high content of cocoa found in dark chocolate means that it contains flavonoids, catechin, and procyanidin. This could act as antioxidants and protect the body against cancer and other life-threatening diseases (1).

In short, you can never directly blame chocolates for breakouts, pimples, and acne. But yes, they are very sugary and full of fats that could increase the production of sebum in your body that ultimately leads to pimples. So, to keep yourself on the safe side, eat more fruits and vegetables, and maybe one cube of dark chocolate a day, to control your cravings.

What Do Researches Say?

According to a study published in the year 2009 by BMC Public Health, researchers belonging to a remote university in the USA tried to understand how chocolate leads to acne among adolescents, especially those who are 18 or 19 years old. They did find some sort of link between the consumption of chocolates on a regular basis and pimples among males. However, more studies need to be conducted to ensure whether this study provides concrete evidence or not.

So, How Should You Eat Chocolates To Prevent Acne?

If you want to give up on dark chocolate altogether in order to eliminate acne and pimple problems for life, you need to wait for a few months in order to see a change or improvement. Also, remind yourself to keep away from other foods that contain carbohydrates or starch in abundance. Get hold of a diary as well to record the signs of pimples after you’ve eaten something. That should help!

How did you like this post? Have you experienced pimples right after eating a lot of chocolates? Let us know by commenting in the box below.

The post Can Chocolate Cause Acne? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Naomi via STYLECRAZE

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