6 Amazing Benefits Of Donating Blood

1:12 AM

Are you thinking of donating blood? Is something stopping you? Then it’s high time you knew the benefits of donating blood. Yes, you read that right. Blood donation comes with many health benefits. Also, just because it’s beneficial, it doesn’t mean anybody can donate blood.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

Blood Donation – A Brief:

In 2014, the World Health Organization commemorated World Blood Donor Day (14th June) with the theme “Safe Blood for Saving Mothers”. Around 800 women die every day due to pregnancy complications or problems related to childbirth, according to WHO. Then there are people, who need blood urgently because they have sustained injuries, had surgical procedures or have a blood-related condition. It is people like these that you end up helping without even knowing when you donate blood. This altruism will make you feel good.

However, there are many more benefits of blood donation that you could be unaware of. These are benefits that you can reap by becoming a regular blood donor.

Here are some of the benefits of blood donation that you will experience, should you become a donor.

1. Improved Blood Flow:

According to Harvard Medical School health guide for family, there is a connection between the thickness of blood (viscosity) and arterial damage (1). When the viscosity of blood is high, your blood becomes thick and sticky. As a result, it causes more friction while flowing through blood vessels, thereby damaging the cells lining the arteries. You can reduce the viscosity of blood by regularly donating blood. This also gets rid of iron from the blood that tends to cause oxidative stress, which can damage the cardiovascular system irreparably.

2. Reduced Risk Of Heart Attacks And Strokes:

A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association states if the iron content in blood is high, it increases the risk of coronary heart disease (2). The study found that when research participants aged between 43 and 61 years donated blood every 6 months, they suffered from fewer strokes and heart attacks.

Another study conducted in Finland and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that when men donated blood at least once a year, it reduced their risk of heart attacks by 88 percent, compared to those men who didn’t donate(3).

3. Reduced Risk Of Cancer:

You also can reduce your risk of developing cancer. According to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, by reducing iron store in the blood, a person can reduce his risk of cancer (4). This finding was made after studying two groups of people – one that donated blood twice a year and the other didn’t. Researchers found the group that donated blood had lower levels of iron in their blood along with a reduced risk of cancer.

Researchers believe iron is responsible for free radical damage in the body, and there are already scientific reports and studies to connect free radical damage with cancer. So, by donating blood, you can reduce your risk of colon, throat, lung and liver cancers, amongst many others.

4. Burning Calories:

It takes about 600 to 650 calories to make one pint of blood (5). Hence, if you donate blood, you burn approximately 600 to 650 calories, according to WebMD and University of California, San Diego. If you donate blood regularly, you can lose quite a bit of weight. However, it is prudent to remember there is a waiting period of 56 days between blood donations. Hence, you will regain the weight, as your body will make more blood to compensate for what you have donated.

5. Maintains Healthy Iron Levels:

As a healthy adult, you should have around 5 g of iron in your bone marrow and red blood cells. When you donate one unit of blood, the iron levels in your body decrease by a quarter of a gram. This lost amount can easily be regained by eating a healthy, iron-rich diet. However, regular reduction of iron levels is considered good, as it prevents blood vessels from damage and prevents other abnormalities.

6. Have Longer Lifespan:

You could live longer if you donate blood for altruistic reasons. A study published in the American Psychological Association’s online journal states that when people volunteer to do something for others without expecting anything in return, they tend to have reduced mortality risk compared to those who don’t have the same noble intentions.

The number of donors compared to the demand for donor blood is low. Hence, there is always a need for blood. However, if you do want to donate, it should come from the urge to help others. When that happens, it will make you feel happy and satisfied, as a single unit of blood can save three lives. This happiness and satisfaction are the main reasons blood donors tend to live longer.

Free Health And Blood Checkup:

When people volunteer for blood donation, the doctor checks them thoroughly to ensure they are good candidates for blood donation. As a routine, donors are tested for hepatitis, syphilis, HIV and other diseases. Even your blood pressure, iron levels, temperature, and pulse are checked. So, you get a free health and blood check-up when you decide to become a donor. This check-up can help you diagnose certain diseases early.

Eligibility For Blood Donation:

Not everyone can become a blood donor. There is certain eligibility criteria you need to fulfill (6).

  • You should be between the ages of 18 and 60 years.
  • You should never have been diagnosed and treated for cancer.
  • You should not have a clotting disorder, like hemophilia.
  • The minimum weight requirement is 45 kg or 110 lbs.
  • Your hemoglobin count should be 12.5 g.
  • Your diastolic blood pressure should be between 50 and 100 mm Hg and systolic between 100 and 180 mm Hg.
  • You shouldn’t have taken aspirin in the last 72 hours.
  • You shouldn’t suffer from any kind of chronic diseases.
  • You shouldn’t have donated blood in the last 3 months.
  • You should not have been immunized in the last one month.
  • You should not have had any dental work done in the last 72 hours.
  • You shouldn’t have had any alcohol 9 hours prior to the donation.
  • You shouldn’t have received malaria treatment in the last 3 months.
  • You shouldn’t be HIV positive.

If you fulfil these eligibility criteria, you can donate blood and enjoy the wonderful benefits of this noble deed.

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The post 6 Amazing Benefits Of Donating Blood appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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