Pawanmuktasana Yoga- What Is It And What Are Its Benefits?

10:28 AM

Did you know that Pawan Mukta Asana has many health benefits? Did you know that this asana could help you overcome a gassy stomach and also relieve arthritis at the same time? Well, if you are wondering what Pawan Mukta Asana is or how it helps your body, you should read this post.

Here, we will look at Pawan Mukta Asana and how it benefits your body.

Pawan Mukta Asana – An Overview:

The word phrase “Pawan Mukta Asana” indicates the three aspects of this pose, Pawana or air, Mukta or free, and Asana or pose – this literally means the wind-breaking (relieving) pose. Not only does this pose help expel excess gas from your stomach, but also helps expel excess air trapped in your joints. This excess air is often the very reason for arthritis.

Practicing the Pawan Mukta Asana has a positive impact on conditions like heart disease, and also helps lower your blood pressure. People of all ages can perform Pawan Mukta Asana. The pose is one of the few after dinner poses that also helps stimulate digestion. It regularly features as a naturopathy cure and many yogis prescribe the pose to people who suffer from gastrointestinal problems.

Most diseases have a psychological aspect that you rarely consider. Performing Pawan Mukta Asana, or any other yoga pose for that matter, can help improve your mental state of being. Yoga improves your strength and flexibility, while boosting your health. It helps treat anxiety and stress. Performing Pawan Mukta Asana raises your conscious levels and helps you establish a better understanding between your mind and body.

How To Perform Pawan Mukta Asana:

  1. Begin by lying down on your back. Keep your feet together and your arms on your sides.
  2. While you exhale, use both your hands to pull your right knee towards your chest.
  3. Press your thigh into your stomach.
  4. Now, while you breathe out, lift your head and chest off the floor and touch your chin to your right knee.
  5. Hold the position for around 15-20 seconds and take long deep breaths.
  6. Hold it there, as you take deep, long breaths.
  7. Now, while you exhale, begin to tighten your grip on your knee and push it into your chest.
  8. Loosen your grip when you inhale.
  9. While you leave your breath, come back to the ground and relax.
  10. Switch sides and repeat the motion with the other leg.
  11. Finally, repeat the pose with both the legs together.
  12. Perform the pose thrice alternating with each leg and then once with your legs together.

Benefits Of The Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana):

Apart from the obvious benefits of relieving excess gas and decreasing flatulence, there are other health benefits of Pawan Mukta Asana, which include:

  1. Strengthening your back and abdominal muscles.
  2. Toning your leg and arm muscles.
  3. Massaging the intestines and other organs in the abdomen.
  4. Enhancing blood circulation around the hip joints.
  5. Easing tension in your lower back.


There are many health benefits of performing the Pawan Mukta Asana. However, as with other poses, there are certain warnings that should be noted.

Avoid performing the pose if you face certain health conditions, which include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Hyperacidity
  • Hernia
  • Slip disc
  • Testicular disorders
  • Menstrual problems
  • Neck and lower back problems
  • After the second trimester of pregnancy

So, perform this amazing asana and reap the benefits of it today. Do you know of any other benefits of the Pawan Mukta Asana? Tell us by leaving a comment below.

The post Pawanmuktasana Yoga- What Is It And What Are Its Benefits? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Ameya C via STYLECRAZE

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  1. Hi Rabeca. Thanks for sharing this great article. If possible can you share this how to video on pawanmuktasana? This will give your users a step by step instruction on how to perform pawanmuktasana.


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