Feldenkrais Exercise- Everything You Need To Know

4:12 AM

Have you always thought of exercise being a taxing and strenuous process? Do you put away exercising for the fear of getting tired and fatigued? If you are on the lookout for a form of exercise that can keep you fit and trim without breaking a sweat, Feldenkrais is something you should try!

Wondering what exactly Feldenkrais exercise is? You got to read this post!

Feldenkrais – A Brief:

Named after Israel born Moshe Feldenkrais, this method is used a lot by dancers, singers and actors to aid body movement and self-awareness. It is known as an alternative therapy that benefits people afflicted with conditions like cerebral palsy and the like (1).

The Roots Of Feldenkrais Exercise:

The inventor of the Feldenkrais therapy was an athlete. Once he was down with a knee injury, and it proved to be severe. When usual rehabilitation therapies failed to restore his knee, he started studying the human body to find a new way to cure himself. That is how he invented this alternative light exercise therapy. It eventually helped him restore his knee and obtain optimum overall health. Over the years, he popularized it worldwide, and now thousands of followers hail this method.

Basics Of The Feldenkrais Exercise:

Feldenkrais spent a long time developing his system, and he named it ‘Awareness through Movement’ (2). The core of the therapy says that we humans develop wrong postures, movements and habits through various ways in life. Following these wrong postures can prove to be detrimental to general health – and people get plagued by a lot of discomfort and ailments like respiratory problems, neck pain, and joint stiffness, etc.

The USP Of Feldenkrais Exercise:

What differentiates Feldenkrais exercise from the rest is that it does not adhere to the commonplace “No pain, no gain” theory. The exercises in this method are largely gentle and easy to follow for anyone (3). According to the proponents, you can try out these exercises just for about 15 minutes every day and obtain the benefits. That way, you get acquainted with newer and better postures and body movements. All this helps you alleviate pain, stiffness and stress.

Feldenkrais Exercise For Neck Pain:

You can resort to Feldenkrais method to get rid of chronic neck pain (4) . All you need to do is to realign the body to move efficiently to decrease neck pain. Feldenkrais movements help increase balance (5), and the breathing exercises focus on positive thinking. Good balance helps ease neck pain.

You need to relax your shoulders and neck. Be attentive about upper body tension. Now, lift one shoulder and lower it for a minute. You need to focus on that movement. Next, roll your neck section. Then perform small head circles. Keep rolling your head backward and sideward. Then, press your left ear to your left shoulder and bring it to the front. Lower your chin to your chest. You can also do this with your right ear. You can also lift your shoulders to both your ears. This can be repeated for both sides a number of times.

Summing It Up:

Practicing Feldenkrais at home is easy, and you may follow books as well as web-based guides. Learning the exercise methods is not tedious. Within a short time, you will be able to learn and follow the methods.

While Feldenkrais exercise is easy to follow, it does have a few limitations. This method does not have much to offer for enhancing your cardiovascular system. So, you can try this method with other exercise methods to boost your cardiovascular system.

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The post Feldenkrais Exercise- Everything You Need To Know appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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