What Ayurveda Has To Say About Consuming Curd At Night

6:02 AM

Have you ever been instructed not to eat curd at night? Ever wondered why? Despite having so many health benefits, why is it suggested not to consume curd at night? How can something that is supposed to cool your body cause harm at the same time?

Ayurveda has an answer for it!

Amla paka rasam grahi guru ushnam dadhi vatajit |
meda shukra bala shleshma pitta rakta agni shopha krut ||

According to Ayurveda, the properties of curd are as follows:

  • It is sour in taste.
  • Its potency is hot (ushna).
  • It is heavy to digest.
  • It increases kapha and pitta.

During night, kapha dominates the body, and when you eat curd at that time, it increases the kapha even more, leading to several complications. It also increases pitta, which leads to indigestion. The situation is similar to exposing your body to the hot sun during noon, which is also not recommended because of the dominance of the pitta dosha during this period. Exposure to the sun increases the pitta dosha. It also results in the effect of kapha generating mucus.

Some Health Benefits Of Curd

  1. Curd is considered as the bowel’s best friend. It improves your appetite and stimulates the taste buds.
  1. It helps in keeping bacterial infections at bay.
  1. It is an aphrodisiac that helps in strengthening the body by increasing body fats.
  1. It improves and strengthens the digestive system.
  1. Curd is rich in calcium, and thus, it helps in strengthening the teeth and bones.
  1. Daily consumption of curd flushes out toxic material from our body, thereby curing intestinal and duodenal infections.
  1. Curd also prevents high blood pressure. Thus, people suffering from high cholesterol must consume curd made out of low-fat milk regularly.
  1. Curd is used in the treatment of diarrhea because it acts as a stool binder and absorbs all the water from the intestine.

How And When To Consume Curd?

How And When To Consume Curd

Image: Shutterstock

Naivaadyaa nishi naivoshnam vasantha ushna sharatsu na |

  • Since consuming curd is not preferred during night, try to avoid it. But if you are accustomed to eating curd at night, add a pinch of pepper powder (not more than that as it may cause burning sensation in your stomach) to the curd and then consume it.
  • You can also try adding a little bit of fenugreek powder to the curd and then consume it. Though it will give a slight tinge of bitterness, the combination of curd and fenugreek turns out to be a great relief for all kinds of pain in the stomach that are usually generated due to indigestion.
  • You can also consume curd by mixing it along with ghee, honey, or amla, especially if you wish to eat it at night.
  • If you want to have curd during the day, have it without sugar.
  • Having curd at night is not suggested by Ayurveda. However, if you cannot resist having it, mix it with a little sugar and consume it. This will calm your digestive system and assist in digestion.
  • Never ever consume hot curd.
  • You can have buttermilk as the best alternative to curd. Drinking buttermilk can help in clearing the channel and mucus secretion.

Side Effects Of Eating Curd At Night

Consuming curd at night can lead to several complications in the body. Some of them are fever, anemia (pandu), jaundice (kamala), erysipelas (visarpa), dizziness (bhrama), several bleeding disorders (raktapitta), and skin allergies (kushta).

A Few Easy Options To Include Curd In Your Daily Diet

A Few Easy Options To Include Curd In Your Daily Diet

Image: Shutterstock

  1. You can have it in the form of curd rice. It is very light on the stomach and a great option during the summer season.
  1. You can make raita by adding cucumber, onions, tomatoes, green chillis, some herbs, and a bit of salt.
  1. You can ditch all aerated drinks and opt for buttermilk or lassi as a healthy option.

Note: The above properties are attributed to sour curd.

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The post What Ayurveda Has To Say About Consuming Curd At Night appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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