9 Totally Normal Celeb Pics Turned Upside Down

3:05 AM

The upside down pictures of these celebrities left the internet totally perplexed – but you can quickly work out what’s wrong with these pictures without actually flipping your phone.

To the naked eyes, there is nothing unusual about the pictures, apart from the fact that they are upside down. However, when you turn over the image, you’ll come to know that the picture has been edited, so the face is not the only thing that is upside down!

Let’s have a look on few of them.

1. Just a random pic of Nicki Minaj; and no, it’s not a nightmare!

random pic of Nicki Minaj

Image: twitter.com

2. A totally normal and cool pic of Aaron Carter.

totally normal and cool pic

Image: twitter.com

3. Adele is looking beautiful, as always.

Adele is looking beautiful

Image: twitter.com

4. Angelina Jolie is looking radiant (and in no way like a demon!).

Angelina Jolie is looking radiant

Image: twitter.com

5. Even Miley Cyrus is amazed to see a flipped and wierd version of her!

Even Miley Cyrus is amazed

Image: twitter.com

6. Noah Cyrus looks just so normal in this picture that you will never realize that something is amiss.

Noah Cyrus looks just so normal

Image: twitter.com

7. Justin Beiber is looking like his usual heartthrob self.

Justin Beiber is looking like

Image: twitter.com

8. A truly great and stunning shot of Ariana Grande – but the expression gives it away!

truly great and stunning shot

Image: twitter.com

9. Looking graceful, Hillary Clinton.

Looking graceful

Image: twitter.com

Great editing, right?


The post 9 Totally Normal Celeb Pics Turned Upside Down appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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