9 Awesome Things About Being A Teenager

4:46 AM

Teenage is a beautiful period of our lives where we begin to blossom as people, start taking risks, and try to challenge everything that comes our way. However, not all might be the best decisions of our lives. But, apart from a few cons, there are a number of perks of being a teenager.

Here are nine awesome things about being a teenager.

1. Your Life Is Filled With Exciting Things


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As a teenager, everything that comes your way is new and exciting. Everything is your first – first crush, first bike, first relationship, and so on. In short, your life is full of adventures.

2. You Fall In Love With Random People Quite Often

You Fall In Love With Random People Quite Often

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Random crushes, that after a period of time you may call love, are very common in this age. Getting over them is easier too.

3. There Is More Room For Mistakes

There Is More Room For Mistakes

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When you make a mistake, intentionally or unintentionally, nobody takes it too seriously as they consider it as a learning phase of your life. This is the time when you start developing common sense.

4. You Have No/Less Responsibilities And More Freedom

You Have NoLess Responsibilities And More Freedom

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One of the most amazing perks of being a teenager is that there are no responsibilities in your bucket list. You can hang out with your friends, learn about things you like, or pursue your hobbies – you’re a free bird.

5. Being Fashion Conscious Is Exceptional

Being Fashion Conscious Is Exceptional

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You can look as ugly as you can when you’re at home and as glamorous as you wish to when you hang out with your friends.

6. Stalking Becomes A Normal Part Of Your Life

Stalking Becomes A Normal Part Of Your Life

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Creating accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is very exciting as you get to stalk people you know or want to know. Social media has made our lives so much easier.

7. Your Favorite Past Time Is Daydreaming

Your Favorite Past Time Is Daydreaming

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When you have nothing to do, you daydream about anything that strikes your mind.

8. You Get Summer Vacations


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As a teenager, one thing we wait for with lots of anticipation is the summer vacation. You must cherish these precious moments because, after few years, summer or any other season won’t make much difference to your schedule.

9. Celebrity Fever Is At Its Peak

Celebrity Fever Is At Its Peak

Image: giphy.com

Falling in love with celebrities is another enjoyable moment of being a teenager. You follow them everywhere, try to copy their style, and are curious about their likes and dislikes. It’s just fun!

Now that you know why being a teenager is great, just enjoy the moment!


The post 9 Awesome Things About Being A Teenager appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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