7 Things You Will Get If You Are The Only Girl In A Boy’s Gang

2:41 AM

The most talked about gang everywhere is when you have a girl in a boy’s gang. It’s actually fun to be a part of such a gang, where your friends consider you a ‘bro’, and are least concerned about your messy hair and dressing sense. Hanging out with them is probably the best part of being in a dude’s gang.

So, if you’re the only girl in a gang of boys, you can definitely relate to these points.

1. People no longer consider you a girl.

longer consider you a girl

Image: giphy.com

They start considering you a tomboy. And your gang, heck, they even forget that there’s a girl in their gang. For them, you are a boy. They call you “bro”, they call you “dude”. You are okay with this, and it’s fun to be like that with them.

2. You cannot expect any compliment from your gang whenever you dress up nicely.

gang whenever you dress up nicely

Image: giphy.com

Instead, you will end up getting hilarious comments.

3. You are often considered the Love Guru, Aunty, and what not.

often considered the Love Guru

Image: giphy.com

You turn out to be the best advisor for your friends in every matter, especially when they are trying to hook up with someone.

4. Nobody even tries to approach you because they don’t want to get grilled by your gang.

get grilled by your gang

Image: giphy.com

And that’s true. Your gang is always on the hunt to grill one!

5. The only time you wish you had girlfriends is when you have to go shopping.

girlfriends is when you have to go shopping

Image: giphy.com

And that’s just because you need a second opinion.

6. Loud yawns, abuses, and burps do not bother you anymore.

burps do not bother you anymore

Image: giphy.com

You’re now so used to them that you are absolutely fine with them. In fact, you know more abuses than the average girl.

7. People usually presume that you’re dating one of your gang members OR all of them!

your gang members OR all of them

Image: giphy.com

And you’re totally sick of answering the same question again and again. You no longer care about it!

In the end, this friendship gives you a lot of memories and happiness to cherish for a lifetime.


The post 7 Things You Will Get If You Are The Only Girl In A Boy’s Gang appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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