20 Amazing Perks Of Being In Your 20s

4:56 AM

Oh, the magical 20s! The craziest times of your life, depicting a roller coaster ride of make ups, breakups, hangovers, parties, and what not? These are the most precious years of your life where you get to explore, discover, and experience almost everything without worrying too much about the future.

Here is a list of 20 amazing perks of being in your 20s.

1. You Can Be As Spontaneous As You Want To Be

Spontaneous As You Want To Be

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You are the one who is “down for whatever”, without noting the time and date before planning anything. Isn’t that just awesome?

2. You Can Travel Anywhere And Quite Often

Anywhere And Quite Often

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You do not have any responsibility, husband, or kids to take care of. You can just work overtime and then, make time for travel, travel, and travel.

And yes, people will applaud you for your over-dedication towards work.

3. You Are Free To Do Whatever And Whenever You Want

Whatever And Whenever You Want

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You are absolutely a free bird in your 20s. You can go clubbing, party, study, and even focus on your career. Who’s stopping you?

4. You Are In The Fittest And Healthiest Time Of Your Life

Healthiest Time Of Your Life

Image: Shutterstock

Believe it or not, the 20s are the healthiest times of your life. And since your body is so active, why not go for a fitness program that’ll help you in the future as well?

5. You Can Spend All Your Money On Yourself

Your Money On Yourself

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You earn, and you spend. There is no responsibility or compulsion on you. Your money is just spent on yourself.

6. You Can Experiment With Trends

Experiment With Trends

Image: Shutterstock

No fashion or trend is old for you! You can try anything and look as funky as you can.

7. You Get To Know More About Relationships

About Relationships

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You start understanding the value of relationships, who are your real friends, and who are friends with benefits.

8. You Can Still Ask Your Mother To Help You In Your Household Chores

Help You In Your Household Chores

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You can still take the help of your mother to do your laundry or, maybe, grocery shopping. Your mother will still consider you a baby!

9. You Become More Career Oriented

More Career Oriented

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You try to focus more on your career and struggle as much as you can. Maybe even moving to other places in search of good opportunities.

10. In Case Of Financial Aid, Your Father Won’t Hesitate To Help You

Hesitate To Help You

Image: Shutterstock

You can still borrow some money from your father without feeling too guilty, or without any hesitation.

11. Your Skin Was Never So Firm As It Is Now

Never So Firm As It Is Now

Image: Shutterstock

Except for a few pimples or breakouts, your skin is more elastic and firm during this stage of your life.

12. You Can Party Overnight And Still Reach Your Office At 10 AM

Still Reach Your Office

Image: Shutterstock

Your body’s metabolism supports your plans and activities a lot. Hence, you can overeat, party overnight, and still will be able to finish your work on time.

13. You Are No Longer That Self-Centered Kid In Your Family

Centered Kid In Your Family

Image: Shutterstock

Instead of caring about what your relatives may think of you or if other people are staring at you, you get the freedom to do things your way as you are out of the self-centered kids’ league.

14. Now You Know That Your Parents Were Always Right

Parents Were Always Right

Image: Shutterstock

Soon, you will start realizing that when you were a teenager, and, at times, when your parents used to guide you or stop you from doing certain things, they were doing it right. At that time, you might have felt that your parents were nagging, but now you realize they were right.

15. You Start Understanding The Basic Fundas Of Life

The Basic Fundas Of Life

Image: Shutterstock

You start understanding the motto of your life, what’s good for you, and what’s not. You focus more on your ambitions and relationships that matter most to you.

16. You Can Sleep For Longer Hours During Weekends

Longer Hours During Weekends

Image: Shutterstock

Have you ever seen your parents or grandparents sleeping till 11 am? Their body doesn’t support it, but yours can!

17. You Can Make A Huge Number of Mistakes And Learn From Them

Mistakes And Learn From Them

Image: Shutterstock

You have pretty cool excuses if anything goes wrong in your life. If you’re not doing well in your career, you can go back to school, or move in with your parents and take help from them.

18. If You Need Any Creative Work To Be Done, You Always Have So Many Talented Friends

Always Have So Many Talented Friends

Image: Shutterstock

Every friend in your gang might be a creative designer, or a writer, or an artist. You are surrounded by creative people, so doing any job that involves creativity is quite easy for you.

19. Nobody Is Going To Judge You If You Are In Debt

Judge You If You Are In Debt

Image: Shutterstock

If you went through a big loss, you could easily say that you used the money for your bright future or to get a Master’s degree.

20. You Don’t Need To Impress Others, You Are Who You Want To Be

Are Who You Want To Be

Image: Shutterstock

These were some amazing perks of being in your 20s. Do you have any other perk(s) to add to my list? Share your views in the comments box below!


The post 20 Amazing Perks Of Being In Your 20s appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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