13 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Serious About You

3:31 AM

Confused whether your boyfriend is serious about you or is he just playing around?

Quite often, it happens in a relationship that you’re not sure enough about a few things, and one of them (a major one, though) is whether your partner is serious about you or not.

Don’t worry ladies – here are the top 13 signs that prove that your boyfriend is serious about you.

1. He Makes You A Priority.

Makes You A Priority

Image: Shutterstock

This is a sure shot sign that your boyfriend is serious about you. He makes you a priority in his life, and by priority, it doesn’t just mean that he makes time for you. It implies that he cares about you in every aspect of life. He wants you to be happy forever and is protective of you.

2. He Calls You For No Reason.

Calls You For No Reason

Image: Shutterstock

We must agree, calling is more personal than sending a simple text or not contacting at all. While dealing with other boys, they usually don’t call without any reason, but if your man calls you quite often just to see how excited you’re on getting his calls, then he is special.

3. He Gets Upset When He Doesn’t Hear From You The Whole Day.

Hear From You The Whole Day

Image: Shutterstock

His simple messages like “Hey wassup” or “ How was your day?” doesn’t only mean that he is concerned about you. He has been wondering that it’s been so long and why you haven’t contacted him yet.

He keeps on checking his phone constantly for your text. Now, isn’t that adorable?

4. He Loves Listening To You.

Loves Listening To You

Image: Shutterstock

Some of your other friends ask you questions not because they’re actually interested in what you’re saying, but because they do not have any other thing to talk about. And by doing this, they just try to extend the conversation.

But a boy who is really serious about you loves listening to whatever you say. He is always keen to know more about you, your interests, and everything else that makes you happy.

Most of the girls complain that their boyfriends never pay attention to what they say. But if you have found a boy who loves listening to you, then consider yourself a lucky girl.

5. He Asks For Your Opinion And Values it.

Your Opinion And Values

Image: Shutterstock

He wants you to support him in all decisions of his life. Let it be a shopping-related choice or career-related. He always asks you for your opinion and values them. He discusses issues with you before coming to a final decision.

6. He Is Transparent About His Routine.

Transparent About His Routine

Image: Shutterstock

You are aware of his daily routine and what his day holds for him – not because you’re too possessive or suspicious of him, but because he volunteers this information.

You know that before going to the office, your boyfriend makes a quick dash to a coffee shop, and if he doesn’t call you up in the afternoon, it is because he is busy in a meeting. You never have to keep wondering what he might be doing at this particular time.

7. He Is Always There When You Need Him.

There When You Need Him

Image: Shutterstock

You might fight with each other and exchange harsh words, but whenever you need him, he is always there for you, keeping aside all the tension that is going on between you people. He genuinely worries and cares about you and always tries to protect you from whatever problems you face.

He just cannot see tears in your eyes and can readily do anything to convert your tears into laughter. He will do anything to make sure that you do not cry ever.

8. He Checks With You Before Making Any Plans.

Before Making Any Plans

Image: Shutterstock

Before making any plans for the weekend or a trip, he makes sure that you are also okay with his plan. He believes in coming to a decision only after you both are okay with the idea.

9. He Takes Care Of You When You’re Sick.

Takes Care Of You When

Image: Shutterstock

Although it is silly to pretend that you are sick just to check whether your guy sticks to you, this is an excellent way to find out whether your guy loves you or not. In case you do fall sick, and he is always around you, and he still adores you even when you’re not looking good – he loves you. He considers taking care of you as his duty and tries not to fail in it.

Cuddling you on your couch full of used tissues cannot be just a casual fling.

10. He Treasures The Time Spent With You.

Time Spent With You

Image: Shutterstock

Everyone has their own problems and deadlines to deal with, let it be work-related or family-related. He always tries to complete them so that they do not interfere with the time that is supposed to be spent with you. He is ready to make little sacrifices just to spend time with you as his happiness lies in your happiness.

11. He Introduces You To His Family And Friends.

His Family And Friends

Image: Shutterstock

He takes pride in introducing you to his family and friends and never shies away from telling others that how lucky he feels to have you in his life.

12. He Doesn’t Play Mind Games With You.

Play Mind Games With You

Image: Shutterstock

If he says something to you, he will do it. And if, by chance, he is unable to do it, he will let you know beforehand. He will not torment you by saying one thing and doing something else. He readily shares everything with you, even his deepest and darkest secrets. And if your man is making an effort to be honest, then he definitely values the relationship.

13. He Talks About The Future, The Marriage!

He Talks About The Future

Image: Shutterstock

The one word that he believes in is WE. All his future and long term plans start with WE and not I. He sees you in his present and future, and that’s a very important thing.

If you’re with your Mr. Perfect, you will feel the love, warmth, and care in your relationship, and that’s again a sign of being in a serious relationship.

So, which of these signs do you see in your partner? Is there any other cute thing your boyfriend does for you? Let us know by commenting below.


The post 13 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Serious About You appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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