Hack Alert: Getting Rid Of Stinky Armpits In A Matter Of Seconds

5:59 AM

The wonders of a deodorant! Ever since its inception/conception – or whatever you might want to call it – of the deodorant, the world is a much better place. I mean, think about going to work every morning on that crowded train, or in that crammed bus, and being surrounded by smelly armpits. Well, not to mention that there are still lots of women who do not use a deodorant – but God bless those who do! Ok, forget about the others, what about you? Just imagine how self-critical you get when you whiff a little odor in the course of your day when your deodorant wears off or when you forget to use a deodorant. Stinky problems are embarrassing; so let’s talk about it!

Everything You Didn’t Know About Your Deodorant:

How well do you know the product you use every single day of your lives? Did you know that 18 billion dollars is spent on this little product every year? Even though the roots of the deodorant stem way back in history, when the Egyptians created perfumed baths for themselves, it truly originated in 1888, when someone invented a deodorant called ‘MUM’. The name of this person is lost in history. But the product he created can never be forgotten. The product was discontinued for a while, and then fifteen years later the antiperspirant was developed.

Our sweat is odorless. What actually leads to all the stink is the bacteria that thrives in the warmth and moisture created by the sweat. The bacterium also breaks down some of the sweat. All of this creates the nasty smell. So the deodorant is basically an anti-bacterial that kills all the smell causing germs and neutralizes the odor. The antiperspirant, on the other hand, is supposed to hamper the sweat production all together, so what happens is that the aluminum compounds in it stop the Eccrine sweat glands, or the normal sweat glands that are located all over your body, from producing sweat. But using an antiperspirant is not healthy, also over a period of time, your body can get immune to it, and it might not work effectively.

Well, did you know that you can tell if you need a deodorant or not by examining your earwax? If you have dark colored sticky earwax, you are sure to sweat and stink – and therefore you need that magic stick, but if you find yourself with white, flaky gunk, you are one lucky bird!

Like perfumes, apart from the fragrance, there is nothing else that demarcates male and female deodorants. It might be interesting to know that about ten percent of the deodorants made today are unisex.

Of course, the ready-made deo options available are numerous and quite amazing, but if you find yourself allergic to those chemical-based ones, you could always make your own by using certain plant oils. Nothing can stop you from smelling amazing.

The Deodorant Hack:

Jumpy hormones, or an extremely forgetful mind, can be responsible for stinky armpits, leaving you jittery, under confident and extremely embarrassed. Well, what do you do in such a situation? You run to the bathroom and quickly wash your under arms, you apply and reapply deodorant if it is available anywhere within your arm’s reach, or you keep dabbing you mini perfume that is in your bag, hoping to cover up the odor. But the real problem is not solved yet, the bacterium is still alive! So what do you do?

Simple! The next time you find yourself in a sticky situation, all you need to do it pull out your hand sanitizer (if you don’t have one, you could always beg, borrow, steal * chuckles *), and dab some onto your armpits. It will work like magic. The alcohol in the sanitizer will dry up the sweat and leave you feeling dry. And remember what I told you a deodorant was? An antibacterial – well, a sanitizer is just that! You will never again have to worry about stinky armpits. This one works wonders.

Now that you know what it takes to avoid unpleasant situations, you can sniff and smile, and sanitize. There is always an answer to all your problems. You just need to look around and find the right solution.

The post Hack Alert: Getting Rid Of Stinky Armpits In A Matter Of Seconds appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Shirin Mehdi via STYLECRAZE

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