Is Coconut Oil Good For Diabetics?

2:44 AM

Are you looking for a natural way to control and get over your diabetes? Contrary to popular belief, diabetes can be reversed if proper diet, lifestyle and certain natural foods are included in the regular routine.

On that note, coconut oil is becoming known as a natural ingredient that can help treat diabetes. How far this is true? This post gives the answers. Read on to know more.

Coconut Oil And Diabetes:

The recent facts and studies have revealed that the unique properties of coconut oil can help the diabetic patients not only maintain their health, but also to reverse the symptoms of diabetes. In many cases, taking just 2 to 3 tablespoons of recommended virgin coconut oil has been found to reverse the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Coconut oil improves the regulation of blood sugar and reduces hunger and cravings.

Can Coconut Oil Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

Research studies show that excluding or restricting refined carbohydrates, refined sugar, and alcohol from your diet, and adding healthy saturated fats to your meals can help immensely in reversing type 2 diabetes. Many studies have confirmed that type 2 diabetes can be reversed through diet.

Following points show you how:

1. Coconut Oil Increases Metabolism:

Replacing the longer chain polyunsaturated fats such as soybean and corn oil from your diet, with saturated coconut oil fat, can reduce the cravings for refined sugar and carbohydrates. This ultimately leads to insulin resistance. The ability of coconut oil to control the cravings and hunger increases the rate of metabolism. The medium chain fatty acids of the coconut oil promote thermogenesis, thereby enhancing the metabolic rate (1).

2. Lauric Acid In Coconut Oil Prevents The Onset Of Dyslipidemia:

In 2010, a study was conducted in type 2 diabetic rats to analyze the effect of saturated fatty acid (mostly dietary rich vegetable oil) on the lipid profile, glucose tolerance, and endogenous antioxidant enzyme (2). The study concluded that the type of fatty acid used in the diet determines the healthfulness of the diet. The study further says that the lauric acid in coconut oil has the potential to protect the body against dyslipidemia that is induced by diabetes.

3. Empowers Immune System:

Coconut oil’s unique chemical structure helps it to act like glucose, on which your body can feed at the cellular level. This empowers your immune system with healing properties. It improves blood circulation in the body and reduces numbness, which are the two major health problems observed in type 2 diabetes patients.

3. Regulates Blood Sugar:

In case your body fails to control the blood sugar levels, it leads to many complications, including food cravings, constant hunger, obesity, and hypoglycemia. In case of severe hypoglycemia, your body can go into complete shock and loss of consciousness can occur. Coconut oil supplies the required amount of energy without insulin; it reduces the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Its low Glycemic Index ensures that the blood sugar fluctuations are prevented. Coconut oil helps to balance the amount of sugar in the blood (3), thereby reversing insulin resistance and improving glucose control.

Coconut Oil And Type 1 And Type 3 Diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that restricts the production of insulin. According to a study conducted in May 2009, the medium chain fatty acids present in this oil improve brain function in type 1 diabetic patients (4). The study says that the medium-chain triglycerides provide a therapeutic advantage of preserving the functioning of the brain under the hypoglycemic conditions, thereby preventing the onset of deleterious hyperglycemia.

Similarly, five recent research studies conducted by different experts have concluded that the neurological disorders such as the Alzheimer’s should be categorized under type 3 diabetes. It has already been established that coconut oil works well with such patients.

All the above facts show that taking 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil can not only reverse type 2 diabetes, but also provides you relief from reduced energy levels and hunger cravings.

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The post Is Coconut Oil Good For Diabetics? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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