How To Do Supine Twist And What Are Its Benefits?

4:03 AM

Would you like to try out a different yoga pose you wouldn’t have ever tried before? Then the supine twist is what you should know about.

The supine spinal twist is a versatile exercise that women and men can do. It is also suitable for kids and teens. It is calming in nature and involves slow breathing, and it has a number of benefits for the human body.

Would you like to know more about this pose? Then read on!

How To Do Supine Twist:

To do the supine twist, you need not use any equipment as such (1). It can be done in your room, provided you have enough space to stretch your legs.

  1. At first, you will need to lie down on your back. Place a soft yoga mat on the floor for comfort, if necessary.
  2. Now, bend your knees and then keep the soles on the floor.
  3. Then, lift both hips off the floor and shift them slightly to the right side.
  4. Next, drag your knees onto your chest.
  5. Drop the knees to the body’s right side.
  6. Then, you need to open both your arms in line with the shoulder.
  7. You need to turn your head rightwards and look over the right shoulder.
  8. Now, bring back your knees to your chest and drop them the other side.
  9. Perform the same pose the other side.

Benefits Of Practicing Supine Twist:

Practicing supine twist can be helpful in many ways. Here’s how:

1. Releases Your Lower Back:

This pose helps in releasing the lower back of your body. As it is, the lower back section of the human body is tight, which leads to the onset of physical problems.

2. Helps Loosen Stiff Shoulders:

Trying supine twist helps in opening up stiffened shoulders. People working at desk jobs end up with tightened shoulders often. This pose can give them lasting relief.

3. Elongates Supporting Muscles Alongside Spine:

When you do this pose, the muscles alongside your spine get stretched. When you drop knees sidewise and press the opposing shoulder to the floor, it results in the traction generation for your spine.

4. Enhances The Digestion Process:

Along with eating fiber-rich foods, you can also improve digestion by trying specific yoga poses. The supine twist is one notable instance. This posture helps expel waste material from the digestive tract and speeds up the bowel movements. By being in the pose for a long period, you can boost the digestion process in your body.

5. Calms Your Mind:

Apart from pain reduction, this pose helps in calming down your mind. It lets you fine-tune breathing and gain control of it in the long run. The pose does not tire your muscles much, and you can use slow breathing to calm the mind.

Precautions To Take:

While performing supine twist is beneficial for any individual, a few precautions should be taken.

  • Women who are pregnant should not perform this pose. When you lie facing the roof, the baby’s weight is on the veins and arteries. It results in reduced blood flow from the heart. In pregnancy, reduction in blood flow results in reduced blood pressure, which is not healthy. Stretching the hips beyond a limit when you are pregnant can be risky as well.
  • While supine twist stretches your back muscles and shoulder regions, you should evade doing the pose when you have a hip or back injury.

Do not think that this is a tedious exercise. In a few attempts, you will master this twist and be ready to teach many more. Try the Supine twist today!

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The post How To Do Supine Twist And What Are Its Benefits? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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