The Ultimate Smokey Eye Trick For Girls Who Hate Smokey Eyes

5:59 AM

We are well aware that most of you ladies share a love-hate relationship with smokey eyes. Of course, you love the way they look – but hate the process of getting them done. The most noticeable smokey eye look had to be that of Kareena Kapoor in Kurbaan. She had a very plain look, but her smokey eyes stole the show and our hearts! Smokey eyes are such guy magnets that every gal out there has to try it out. For those who are married, you never know – they might make your dear husband show some interest in you once again.

First pic


Who told that the way to one’s heart is through the stomach? No darling, it is through eyes….and that too, smokey eyes!

While we are at it, let’s have a look why smokey eyes gather so much wrath.

Trying To Get Rid Of Them

As difficult as they are to attain, smokey eyes are damn difficult to clean as well. Most of us end up looking like “Mary Kom got punched in her eyes” the morning after! One big reason to hate them again. Most girls we know are scared to scrub the region around their eyes lest they make them go fiery red from witchy black. See, both the scenarios are equally scary.

A Broken Heart And Useless Accessories



The reason most of the times the smokey eye look goes awry is we tend to trust the work of our inexperienced hands a little too much. Even with your most sophisticated arsenal of weapons – read brushes, eye shadows and liners – you cannot get this look right.

C’mon! If it were that simple, then everyone would have been a makeup artist, right? For all of you who are newbies to makeup, and especially smokey eyes, stop going fancy and work on the basics. A big investment will only ensure that you end up crying like Kim Kardashian in the picture!

Remember, even Saina Nehwal took years of practice in badminton before becoming the world number one! Now, if you are one of those girls who have all the time in this world, then, of course, you can keep practicing. But you see, most of us are professionals, and we have a house to manage. The last one is indispensable! After thinking, rethinking and exploring Google to an extent, I finally got a trick that is simple and has a full-fledged smokey effect!

The Mother Of All Tricks – Do’s And Don’ts

As mentioned earlier, the first step is to ditch the humongous number of brushes (because you need only one!) and try to consider yourself a novice, please! Gonna hurt your ego, but an ego hurt is better than a smokey eye gone wrong.

So, after making this supreme sacrifice, get on to the top of things. Just take one brush and apply a shimmery silver eye shadow completely covering your eye lid from eyebrows and down. After this, dab some dark grey or black eye shadow on the tip of your index finger. Apply it to your eye lid covering the middle and lower portions. After the application, take a look, and if you want it darker, then just dab a little more of it with your fingers. Fingers will give you better control than a brush.

Now take your regular liner and apply to the lid. Apply kohl on the inner side and shut your eyes tight! This will smudge it around your eyes for a super smokey effect!

Naild the look


So gals, go and tame the smokey eyes look today! We’ve worked hard to get you to tackle the application part of it; maybe it is time to find the “getting rid of it” trick as well! Oh…what would you all do without us!!

The post The Ultimate Smokey Eye Trick For Girls Who Hate Smokey Eyes appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Priyanka Rele via STYLECRAZE

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