Find QUICK Relief From Those Stubborn Blackheads With Biore Pore Strips

11:28 PM

Blackheads appear in the middle of our face, where we don’t need them. On the nose! And the easiest way to get a squeaky clean nose seems to be Biore pore deep cleansing strips. Well, that’s what they said.

Do they work? Catch all the inside info right here. Stick with me.

What’s That On Your Nose?

What’s That On Your Nose


Oh, that’s a blackhead. Stubborn and unsightly. Simple washing just won’t do the trick. But how did it get there?

Blackheads are not the usual dust and grime you contend with everyday. Pores present on your skin continually become clogged with oil or sebum, dead skin cells, dust particles and makeup.

In time, the hair follicles push this gunk out of the pore and towards the skin surface. With bacteria also joining the fray, the resultant material hardens and oxidizes. That is when it becomes black (1).

So You Want To Tear It Out:

So You Want To Tear It Out


Those blackheads are quite tough, so tear them you must. Having heard about the miraculous Biore pore strips, you rushed to the stores and purchased one. The pack promised instant and deepest clean in just one use.

Assured of success, you’ve peeled the strip, applied it over your nose, waited for the requisite 15 minutes and yanked it away. Voila, what did you see then? Probably a gross looking strip full of grime and dust.

If you would’ve looked closely, there would be a few blackheads in the mix. Unfortunately, the process was not a 100% success. Strips such as these sounded quick and handy, but delivered little in the end.

Why Don’t They Deliver The Promised Miracles?

Why Don’t They Deliver The Promised Miracles


Many users of biore pore strips experienced smoothened skin afterwards. It does remove the dirt and oil, clearing up the surface. However, it does not count as deep pore cleansing. If done too enthusiastically, the strips are known to remove some skin too.

Why is that?

  1. Many times, the blackheads are not actually solid. They are mostly oily below even if the surface is black and tough. When a strip is yanked off, it may remove part of the blackhead and leave the rest behind. Unfortunately, new blackheads turn up within days.
  2. When the blackheads are below the skin’s surface, a cleansing strip is unable to adhere to the gunk below. Therefore, it never gets pulled out.

No worries, there is yet a solution for this disappointing turn of events.

Pore Strips Can Work:

Since the direct approach only partly worked, you can make Biore pore strips work with this simple procedure.


  1. Before you strip any pores, steam them first.
  2. Remove every inch of makeup from your face.
  3. Step into a hot shower and let the steam work your pores into a gooey mess.
  4. Clean it up with a soap.
  5. If you have sensitive skin, take hot, steamy water in a bowl and place your covered face over it.


  1. Take a tablespoon of baking soda, just one and no more (2).
  2. Mix it with a cup of warm water.
  3. Rub the solution very gently over your face, without scrubbing.
  4. This will clean the pores through exfoliation.
  5. Rinse the baking soda with cool water.

You can also apply baking soda mixture using cotton pads. Wait for a few minutes and rinse off.

Strip ‘em:

  1. Now, while the skin is still moist, apply a Biore pore strip over the blackheads.
  2. Let the strip attach well.
  3. Wait for the requisite time interval and strip the blackheads away.
  4. This time, the strip would have removed a lot of blackheads and not just grime (3).
  5. Perform this regularly to remove all blackheads and to prevent the appearance of more.

Now that you’ve been well informed, dig up that dirt and be done with those blackheads. Do share your experiences with me. Leave a comment below.

The post Find QUICK Relief From Those Stubborn Blackheads With Biore Pore Strips appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Sruthi Chowdhry via STYLECRAZE

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