25 Effective Home Remedies For Menopause

4:43 AM

Are you experiencing hot flashes during the day and cold sweats at night? You could be experiencing symptoms of menopause. Take comfort from knowing you are not alone. There are many women just like you who experience these symptoms during this phase of their lives and have taken it upon themselves to combat these symptoms with courage, perseverance, and grace.

You also could be one of them – if you follow the home remedies mentioned in this post. Would you like to know more? Keep reading.

Symptoms Of Menopause:

Some of the common symptoms of menopause that women experience are as follows:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Memory problems
  • Mood swings
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Irregular sleep
  • Lack of interest in sex

All women may not necessarily experience all the symptoms. You may have just one, two or all of them. Furthermore, even the degree of the symptoms may vary from one woman to the next.

Why Does It Occur?

Menopause is a phase when the reproductive period of a woman comes to an end. In other words, the menstrual cycle stops and the ovaries cease to produce eggs on a monthly basis. Each and every woman has a fixed number of eggs in her ovaries and the ovulation of these eggs is controlled by two hormones – estrogen and progesterone. However, as the eggs in the ovaries come to an end, these female hormones start reducing within the body. This marks the onset of menopause and is the cause of menopausal symptoms.

Usually, menopause sets in anytime from the age of 45. But in women, who have had their ovaries removed due to health issues, menopause sets in early. This is known as premature menopause (1).

What Can You Do?

The symptoms of menopause occur due to changes in the female hormone levels. Hence, to manage the symptoms, you need to do something about treating the symptoms as well as the hormone levels.

Thankfully, there are home remedies that women have been using since time immemorial to manage their symptoms. Along with these home remedies, it is necessary to eat a healthy balance diet, and do regular exercise to strengthen bones and joints and also cultivate some hobby to keep your mind off this change of life.

Here are the 25 home remedies that have proven to be effective in handling the various signs and symptoms of menopause:

1. Aloe Vera:

One of the main reasons for menopause symptoms is lowered estrogen levels. Reduction in the levels of the hormone affects the urinary system, breasts, skin and brain. Hence, one of the best ways to reduce the symptoms is keeping estrogen levels high, and Aloe Vera juice is extremely effective in this regard. Besides helping your estrogen levels, the juice will also provide relief from night sweats, vaginal dryness and hot flashes.

2. Beetroot:

Menopausal women tend to lose vital minerals and vitamins via urine. Beetroot is high in the required nutrients. Hence, you should be looking to consume beetroot juice every day. Alternatively, you can consume beetroot raw or cooked in salads, soups and stews. Beetroot also is rich in Vitamin C and will boost your immunity (2).

3. Liquorice:

Commonly known as mulethi, liquorice contains natural estrogen, and hence, it helps to reduce the symptoms brought on by lowered estrogen levels (3). Check a health food store for liquorice root. Powder the root and consume a teaspoon every day. If you find the taste unappetizing, take it with some honey.

4. Milk:

Due to hormonal fluctuations, the absorption of calcium in the body is impaired. As a result, menopausal women are at a high risk of developing osteoporosis. You can reduce the chances of osteoporosis by upping your calcium intake. Milk is an excellent source of calcium. Look to drink three glasses of milk every day to get the required amount of calcium.

5. Pumpkin Seeds:

Pumpkin seeds have been found to be extremely effective in tackling several menopausal symptoms (4). The seeds contain a chemical compound that can control depression, irritability and mood swings – all common during menopause. In addition, the seeds are an excellent source of zinc and magnesium that help prevent osteoporosis-like after effects. Furthermore, pumpkin seeds are known to control palpitations and dizziness and also help in regulating cholesterol levels.

Make a paste of pumpkin seeds with a handful of sesame seeds. Consume this paste twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening, and notice the difference it makes.

6. Sunflower Seeds:

Sunflower seeds too help in boosting estrogen levels. Once your estrogen levels raise, you will find many of the menopausal symptoms disappearing (5).

You can add crushed seeds in a glass of milk and consume it. You also can use the seeds to ease vaginal dryness. Soak the seeds in water overnight. Then make a paste and apply it on the vagina. This will ease the dryness and discomfort.

7. Flaxseed:

Flaxseed can be used externally and internally to provide relief to the vagina, as it helps raise the estrogen levels in the body naturally. Make a paste of flaxseed and mix a teaspoon in a glass of water. Consume this mixture. Alternatively, you can add flaxseed to your breakfast cereal. The flaxseed paste can be applied in the vaginal area to get relief from dryness and discomfort.

8. Primrose Oil:

Primrose oil is known to reduce the effects of fluctuating hormones. Hence, menopausal women can consume this oil to reap the benefits. The oil also is known to prevent osteoporosis (6). When the oil is used to massage the body, it strengthens bones and joints.

9. Carrot:

Usually, carrots are considered good for the eyes. But did you know consuming carrots can work wonders with your mood? During menopause, mood swings, irritability, depression and anxiety are common. You can get relief from these symptoms by consuming carrots on a daily basis.

10. Cabbage Juice:

Cabbage has certain nutrients that can help with hormonal imbalances during menopause. However, it is best to consume cabbage juice to maximize the results. Add a little water while juicing the cabbage and consume it several times throughout the day. By doing so, you will notice many of your symptoms, such as joint pains, anxiety and irritability, abating. Cabbage juice helps in boosting hormone production in the body.

11. Almond Oil:

Dry skin is a major problem during menopause. You can overcome this dryness by using almond oil as a natural skin moisturizer. It also will make your skin smooth and soft and helps lighten the blemishes that can come with advancing age. In addition, you can consume almond oil orally as well to tackle mood swings and depression.

12. Soy Products:

If you are looking for natural estrogen, turn towards soy (also called tofu). Soy products can increase estrogen levels in the body, and this, in turn, can alleviate many menopausal symptoms.

Take soybean and powder it in your blender. Mix a teaspoon of the powder with water to ease fatigue, palpitations, irritability and anxiety. There also is scientific evidence to show that soybean consumption can reduce the risk of heart attack, which is common amongst menopausal women. Tofu consumption, about 200 to 250 g a day, can also be extremely useful in easing vaginal discomfort and dryness.

13. Olive Oil:

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and has long been considered an extremely good alternative for regular cooking oil. But olive oil also can ease symptoms that come on with the onset of menopause. You can massage your body with olive oil to ease aches and pain. In addition, you can mix a few drops of the oil with milk to enjoy its benefits. Make sure you consume olive oil every day to ease several of the symptoms.

14. Garlic:

Garlic has been used in several Eastern cultures since time immemorial for its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and other medicinal properties. You too can use garlic to ease several symptoms that menopause brings with it. Garlic consumption dilates blood vessels and this, in turn, increases blood circulation. So, it helps regulate your blood pressure and maintains the overall cardiac health. If you experience stomach cramps or pain due to menopause, you can boil a few cloves of garlic in water. Let the water cool, and then strain and consume the liquid twice a day. You will get relief from the pain and/or cramps.

15. Alfalfa Leaves:

Alfalfa leaves are known to be extremely useful in combating menopausal symptoms. You ease several symptoms by consuming these leaves twice a day. The best way to have alfalfa leaves is by brewing a tea-like mixture with the leaves. Boil the leaves in water and let them steep for about 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and consume when the “tea” cools down.

16. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Whether you are entering menopause or are still in your reproductive years, this is one home remedy you can’t ignore. Apple cider vinegar works as a diuretic, thereby preventing water retention. It also helps to flush out toxins from the body. This home remedy is a great way to boost your body’s immune system and helps to combat night sweats, hot flashes and headaches during menopause. It may not be pleasant to consume apple cider vinegar, but once you see for yourself how it can help with the symptoms, you will drink it religiously every day without any complaints!

17. Indian Ginseng:

Lack of libido is a common problem during menopause. You can overcome this problem by consuming Indian ginseng. In fact, Indian ginseng is prescribed by Ayurvedic doctors to boost female sex drive. Try and get Indian ginseng roots and powder it at home. Mix a teaspoon in milk and consume every day. The root also eases stress, anxiety and other mood problems that occur during menopause.

18. Proper Exercise:

Many menopausal women tend to refrain from physical activity because of their symptoms, such as pains and irritability. However, one of the best ways to boost your mood is by indulging in physical activity. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers. Furthermore, regular exercise will help regulate your hormone levels, thereby alleviating many of the symptoms. Brisk walking, yoga and meditation will help relax and de-stress you. Exercise also helps to strengthen bones and joints, averting the risk of osteoporosis.

19. Foods Rich In Vitamin D:

With increasing age, the ability to absorb Vitamin D through sun exposure reduces, and this, in turn, can enhance the loss of bone density. So, if you are entering menopause, look to consume foods that are naturally rich in Vitamin D. Your daily diet should include sardines, tuna, wild salmon, eggs and/or fortified dairy products to ensure your body gets adequate amounts of Vitamin D for healthy bones and optimal functioning of the various bodily systems.

20. Citrus Fruits And Veggies To Increase Vitamin C Intake:

Consumption of citrus fruits or juices will increase your intake of Vitamin C. As a result, you will be able to get relief from night sweats and hot flashes. The vitamin will also boost your immunity and get rid of free radicals in your body that can worsen menopausal symptoms.

You should also be looking to consume veggies such as broccoli, parsley, bell peppers, salad greens and apricots that are replete with Vitamin C.

21. Wholesome Food And Not Junk:

Whole grains and legumes are more beneficial during menopause compared to junk and processed foods. Since your hormone levels fluctuate during this phase, you can suffer from nutritional imbalances. Therefore, you should be looking to consume a healthy and balance diet. Consult a dietician to chart out a diet plan that is suited for menopausal women and follow the plan to derive maximum benefits. Eating a healthy diet will prevent health concerns that tend to develop during or after menopause.

22. Turmeric:

Turmeric has long been used in Asian cultures for its medicinal properties and as an antiseptic and disinfectant. You too should be looking to use turmeric during menopause, as it helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and balances fluctuating hormones. In addition, it also helps alleviate aches and pain that menopause brings on.

Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of milk. Sweeten the milk with honey and consume it. Have this drink every day to get relief from all those problematic menopausal symptoms. Remember, these symptoms can occur continuously for several weeks and turmeric can be your best friend during those weeks!

23. Raw Papaya:

Raw papaya is believed to regulate menstrual flow and help muscle fiber within the uterus to contract. Irregular menstrual periods are common during menopause and raw papaya can help regulate your periods. Furthermore, many women suffer from stress during menopause, and this fruit is believed to alleviate stress. Many alternative medicine practitioners suggest consuming raw papaya for several months to enjoy its benefits. However, women must refrain from consuming it during menstruation, as it can lead to excessive uterine cramping.

24. Jaggery And Sesame Seeds:

Jaggery is a product of cane sugar made without separating molasses and crystals. Its color varies from golden brown to dark brown. You can easily find jaggery in Asian food stores. It can help in regulating menstrual cycle. Consume jaggery with a handful of roasted sesame seeds. The two can help in balancing fluctuating hormones and provide relief from symptoms that hormonal imbalance brings on.

25. Ginger:

Ginger not only relieves menstrual pain abut also helps regulate menstrual cycle. It is a good home remedy during menopause when several women experience spotting. Take a fresh ginger root and grind it. Take half teaspoon of freshly ground ginger and boil in half cup water for 10 to 15 minutes. Add a little bit of honey to sweeten the brew and consume it three times a day for a month.

Unavoidable Home Remedy:

Apart from these 25 remedies, there is one home remedy that many menopausal women use, albeit with a little bit of risk. This home remedy involves black cohosh. It has the unique ability to minimize many symptoms caused during menopause. Using black cohosh regularly for about 6 months can ease symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, nervousness, vaginal dryness, depression, headaches and mood swings.

Black cohosh lowers blood pressure, aids in digestion, eases menstrual cramps and regularizes menstrual periods.

Take around 5 to 8 mg of black cohosh at regular intervals during the day. You can also add it to fruit juice to make it more palatable. In fact, many women prefer consuming it with natural fruit juice to enjoy the maximum benefits.

You should be looking to consume about 20 to 40 mg of black cohosh per day. If you take it at the same time every day, it will provide instant relief from menstrual cramps or pains. Make sure you never take more than 700 mg of black cohosh per day. Or else, it could be detrimental to your health. So be extremely careful when using this home remedy to ease menopausal symptoms.

Remember, you should stop taking black cohosh after a few weeks. Stop for a week and then resume. However, it should never be consumed continuously for more than 6 months in one go. If you intend to use black cohosh to ease menopausal symptoms, consult your doctor first.

Natural Remedies Are Beneficial:

As these natural remedies do not have any risks or side effects, you should be looking to make use of them to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Furthermore, it has been observed that many of these natural remedies have been used since time immemorial to ease menopausal symptoms. They can help with hormonal imbalances and offer quick relief.

In addition to natural remedies, you should also take care of your diet, hydration and sleep. 


Only a balanced diet with the required amount of nutrients will help in effective treatment. Your food should contain good fats, complex carbohydrates and protein along with lots of fruits and vegetables for fiber and other nutrients. Eat three healthy meals a day interspersed with a couple of healthy snacks, such as raw veggies, yogurt, fruits and dry fruits. This will keep your blood sugar levels normal and prevent you from overeating and gaining weight.

Remember, if your diet lacks vital vitamins and minerals during menopause, you will be plagued with menopausal symptoms. To keep these symptoms at bay while you transition biologically, consume a healthy, wholesome balanced meal.


Many menopausal women get stressed out because of their symptoms and cannot sleep at night. Make sure you get 8 hours of undisturbed sleep at night to help your body heal and recover. This will keep fatigue and mood swings at bay. Learn breathing exercises to de-stress yourself before going to bed. It will help you fall asleep. During menopause, it is essential you get adequate rest and hence, sleep is essential.


Drinking water throughout the day will prevent you from experiencing hot flashes. Stay away from alcohol and caffeinated drinks, as they will worsen your sleep pattern. Water also helps in flushing out toxins and keeps your body healthy.

If you are looking to combat menopause without opting for controversial HRT and its numerous side effects, use these time tested home remedies. You will definitely benefit from them. However, make sure you use multiple remedies to enjoy a happy and stress-free menopause. For some reason if you find menopausal symptoms disrupting your day-to-day life and wreaking havoc in your relationships, it is best at that point to consult your doctor rather than relying on these home remedies. Don’t be ashamed of this phase of your life. You should accept it gracefully and move on to a newer and more exciting life that stands in front of you.

Let us know about your experiences with these natural remedies and whether they helped you combat menopause successfully. We would love to hear from you. You can comment in the box below.

The post  25 Effective Home Remedies For Menopause appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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