20 Delicious Low Calorie Restaurant Swaps You Can Try Today

4:58 AM

Are you on a diet? Is it your goal to look your fittest before the holiday season arrives? Then you can swap the usual foods you eat with better alternatives. Doing so will not only give you a new eating experience, but also will benefit your health immensely.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

Breakfast Swaps:

Ladies! Next time you’re on a breakfast date, don’t hesitate to pick something healthy. These options are definitely going to help you eat right!

  1. Instead of creamy coleslaw sandwich, go for a highly nutritious plate of chicken and vegetable sandwich. Choose multigrain or brown bread instead of regular foods.

Why: Whole grains contain fibre that acts as a digestive aid and manages weight (1).

  1.  Instead of cream filled cold coffee, go for a fruit milkshake without any added sugar. Choose skimmed milk.

Why: When you drink more fruit milkshakes for breakfast, you get a great combination of vitamins and minerals (2).

  1. Pick low-fat Greek yogurt instead of full-fat Greek yogurt.

Lunch Swaps:

  1. Instead of having the usual lasagne or pizza, choose a simple chicken salad without any fancy dressing. A bit of mustard sauce and pepper should be enough.

Why: Chicken contains calcium and phosphorus that maintain bone density, especially among women (3).

  1. Pick steamed chicken momos instead of fried or pan fried pork momos.
  2. Try eating real fruit salads instead of fruit cups.
  3. Drink fruit juices instead of fruit flavoured water.
  4. If you enjoy eating sausages, choose turkey sausages with homemade mash and onion gravy instead of pork and herb sausages.

Why: Turkey breast is white meat, which lowers cholesterol and maintains heart health (4).

  1. If Bolognese is your weakness, pick turkey mince Bolognese instead of the usual beef and spaghetti.

Dinner Swaps:

  1. Instead of steak fajitas with flour tortillas, eat shrimp fajitas with corn tortillas.

Why: Shrimps contain antioxidants that maintain your nerve health and protect your bones too.

  1. Instead of meat lasagne, try cheese ravioli.

Why: Cheese lowers cholesterol and boosts metabolism (5).

  1. If you like potatoes, try a healthy potato salad instead of French fries.
  2. Instead of white rice, eat brown rice with your favourite vegetable or meat curry.
  3. Instead of creamy soups, try lentils like kidney beans.

Why: Kidney beans contain iron that boost energy and metabolism.

Snacks And Desserts:

  1. Instead of a chocolate glazed donut, eat a French culler. You will avoid 90 calories.
  2. Have a cold fruit salad with yogurt instead of ice cream.
  3. Have wheat or tortilla chips instead of regular fried potato chips.
  4. Instead of skimmed cappuccino, have skimmed latte.
  5. Try black coffee instead of diet soda.

Why: Coffee increases mortality rate. Drinking thee cups a day can reduce death by 10%.

  1. Have an ounce of almonds instead of cashew nuts.

Why: An almond rich low-calorie diet can help you lose weight.

Benefits Of Healthy Swaps:

1. Weight Management:

According to Mayoclinic, following a good diet and exercise plan can lead to a better body and mind. Not only do you boost confidence and self-esteem, but you also improve your mind. A healthy habit will lead to healthier mental health as you start making social connections. Regardless of whether it is a club, camp, volunteering or just a movie, meeting people will enhance mental functioning and balance your emotions.

2. Fights Diseases:

Healthy swaps also maintain a healthy heart. They reduce high blood pressure and make you less prone to cardiovascular diseases. According to Mayoclinic, eating healthy on a regular basis fights diabetes, cancer, arthritis, depression, stress and anxiety.

3. Gives You More Energy:

Eating unhealthy and high-calorie foods lower your energy levels significantly. You can, however, boost this by eating healthy. A balanced diet always restores your energy levels and keeps you charged and active for the rest of the day.

4. Anti-Aging Benefits:

Why should you go for expensive surgeries or facial products when you can uplift your skin through smart eating? Most fruits and vegetables come with vitamins and minerals that nourish your body and protect your skin from damage. This slows down aging over time.

5. Increases Mortality:

With healthy eating, you will live longer as well. According to a few researchers, women who eat more fruits and vegetables can last up to the age of 70, compared to women who don’t. In other words, your mortality is very much dependent on the kinds of food you eat.

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The post 20 Delicious Low Calorie Restaurant Swaps You Can Try Today appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Naomi via STYLECRAZE

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