10 Fun And Interesting Group Exercise Ideas

1:09 AM

Have you been thinking about starting exercise for some time but staying motivated is the biggest problem for you? If that is the case, do not give up hope, because you are not alone! This happens to millions of individuals, and there is a remedy for this as well.

The remedy is – involving in group exercise activities. On that note, this post talks about the top ten group exercise activities that will be beneficial to you.

Are you interested in knowing more? Read on!

Advantages Of Group Workouts:

The main advantages of group exercises are:

  • Peer support and interaction while working out
  • Motivation to work out by seeing others
  • Hands-on guidance from trainer
  • The fun factor gets heightened
  • Most group exercise sessions are economical

Below listed are some of the top group exercise methods:

1. Interval Sessions:

Interval exercises are based on a pattern of increased workout and intensity that is followed by reduced intensity level workouts. These can include outdoor calisthenic classes and boot camps. At times, water group exercise classes can also be included in these sessions. The coaches may use cardiovascular movements like jump rope, jogging, along with strength movements like squats, lunges, and push-ups alternately.

2. Strength-Based Exercises:

Strength training based group exercise classes are ideal for adults who are really health conscious and want to have a well-toned body. These exercises can comprise of both free hand and equipment based sessions. Push-ups, sit-ups, and squats are ideal as are moves with dumbbells and weighted bars. Fitness experts may help you pick specific exercises to develop specific body parts and muscles. They may put people with the similar physique, health status, and goals in the same group. Before indulging in strength exercises, you will need to indulge in warm-up sessions (1).

3. Equipment-Based Exercises:

For some people, developing a muscular body is the epitome of fitness. But they find it hard to achieve that on their own. If you are one of them, it is time you opted for an equipment based group fitness regime. In several gyms and fitness centers, you will get packages for group exercises with equipment like stationary bicycles and treadmills. Such equipment is really fun to use, and when you use them with a group of classmates, exercises do not remain boring any longer!

4. Circuit Workouts:

If you prefer outdoor group exercise sessions, circuit workouts can be ideal. You can pick a field, or a park or a similar place for working out with your group. You may either focus on a whole-body workout or opt for various mixes that target certain parts of the body such as the abs and hips.

Circuit workouts are ideal for group exercise activities since they enable you to proceed according to your health and skill level. This helps everyone in the group stay motivated. Since you will be working out outdoors, try making a creative use of various playground equipment like fences, bars, railings, etc.

5. Sports Based Workouts:

If using equipment or running on a treadmill does not excite you, try engaging in sports like basketball and football. You get plenty of group activities and your body muscles get plenty of toning (2). You end up burning a lot of calories and the team-play factor keeps you focused too.

6. Adventure Sports:

If you want the touch of adventure in group exercises, adventure sports could be your option. Examples of such activities include kayak expeditions, whitewater rafting, mountain biking, and trekking. You just need to find like-minded people who are interested in similar adventure sport activities and opt for a course. Of course, you have to think of existing health conditions and ailments before opting for adventure sports activities in a group.

7. Aerobics Sessions:

Aerobics has gained importance across all age groups as a fun way of staying fit and working out. You may join an aerobic class for a fun filled group exercise. This is useful for both genders, and especially for those people who adhere to a hectic work schedule and want a method of group exercise that eliminates boredom. A lot of working women and homemakers are opting for aerobic classes nowadays.

8. Water Exercise Sessions:

Those who find working out and sweating profusely not to be their cup of tea can opt for water based group exercise sessions. This is particularly helpful for senior people. You face less risk of getting hurt while doing water exercises. As a matter of fact, some exercises like jumping jacks, lunges and squats can be performed with ease in water. Your joints and muscles become less tired when you work out in water. The exercises can be fun as your peers work out in proximity splashing water on each other – which adds to the excitement!

9. Resistance Training Classes:

Resistance training based group fitness classes benefit people from various age groups, especially seniors. Usage of exercise bands and indulging in body weight exercises help enhance muscular strength and endurance. You may use resistance bands to work on biceps, back muscles, and shoulders.

10. Obstacle Course:

Obstacle course based group activities are ideal for those who find difficulty in concentrating on the body and mind, such as the teens and kids. Obstacle course group exercises can be diverse and include leaping, running, and squats. These methods help the youngsters improve on speed and muscle endurance. These exercises seem more enticing to them over regular variants.

11. Yoga Sessions:

There is hardly any need to elaborate on the need to practice yoga – the ancient method that offers multiple benefits to both the body and mind. However, focusing while performing yoga poses can be difficult, more so for young people. It would be a good idea to enroll your kids in a group yoga class. They will find it easier to learn yoga moves and practice them with their peers (3).

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The post 10 Fun And Interesting Group Exercise Ideas appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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