10 Foods That Causes Body Odor

5:07 AM

Did you know that what you eat can cause body odor? Body odor is a problem that makes you lose your confidence and have an adverse effect on your social life. But that wouldn’t be the case when you know what the foods that cause body odor are and avoid them.

On that note, this post talks about the ten foods that are responsible for your body odor. Would you like to know what they are? Keep reading!

1. Red Meat:

During digestion, a residue is left in your intestines by the amino acids present in red meat. That residue is broken down by intestinal enzymes. It then gets mixed with bacteria present in your skin when you perspire. This in turn intensifies the odor emitted by your body (1).

2. Fish:

Although eating fish gives you many health benefits, a B-complex vitamin known as choline gives off a natural fishy scent. According to experts, some people may secrete this substance in their sweat for up to one day after eating a serving of fish (2). This could potentially produce a pungent body odor.

3. Junk Food:

Junk or processed foods have refined sugar and a high glycemic index that could be the cause of bad body odor. According to experts, after eating junk food, the sugar present in blood changes the perspiration make-up in some people when it gets mixed with the bacteria on the skin. This in turn leads to body odor changes. Chlorophyll is also lacking in processed foods. This is an important chemical that cleanses and odorizes the body and neutralizes body odor-causing bacteria.

4. Cumin:

If you love curries and other Indian dishes, you may want to think about avoiding them. The spices used in them include cumin. This spice can stew in your pores for many days, causing your body to emit a foul smell. Even a small amount of cumin can cause a bad odor that lasts for a long time.

5. Garlic:

Garlic has loads of goodness but it contains a compound known as allicin. It gets released when you crush or cut garlic. After it is consumed, allicin breaks down at a fast rate and gets converted into other substances that cause the mix of bacteria and sweat, resulting in a strong body odor.

6. Low-Carb Diets:

For some people, a diet low in carbs may cause body odor. When you lower your intake of carbs, your body does not have enough of it to burn for energy and starts to burn fat in its place. When your body burns fat, it produces a chemical that can make sweat smell fruity or like a nail polish remover. The body odor produced depends on your body chemistry.

7. Onion:

This has a similar effect on the body as garlic (3). They have a lot of goodness, but consuming too much can cause bad body odor as well as bad breath. As you know, the bad breath caused by onions can last for hours. To avoid any bad smell, you should eat cooked onions instead of raw ones.

8. Durian:

If you are a fan of the durian fruit, you will be disappointed to know that it could be the culprit behind your bad odor. As you know, this fruit has a smell that reminds one of dirty laundry water and is quite hard to tolerate. So, it is no real surprise that durian causes body odor.

9. Alcohol:

The consumption of this substance may cause bad body odor (4). It makes your body, breath and urine smell extremely bad. No amount of deodorant or breath mints can conceal its stench. The only way to eliminate the body odor caused by alcohol is to give it time.

10. Dairy Products:

These foods are good for health because of their richness in Vitamin D and calcium. However, the high content of protein in them is one of the major causes of foul body odor. They also cause bad breath as bacteria break this protein down in the gastric tract.

Eliminating the foods mentioned above will not be easy. However, if bad body odor is having a negative effect on your life, you need to avoid them for at least 2 to 3 months. This can make a huge difference in the odor your body emanates, and in time, you will be rid of body odor and get your confidence back!

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The post 10 Foods That Causes Body Odor appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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