
What Is Harcombe Diet?

6:58 AM

Have you heard the buzz about the Harcombe Diet? It is a diet program created by Zoe Harcombe, and it encourages you to lose weight by steering clear of counting calories and eating as much as you desire (1). Sounds great, doesn’t it?
This diet begins like any other diet, but it ultimately becomes a lifestyle choice that you make. What are we talking about? Read on to know more!

Harcombe Diet – A Brief:

When you choose the Harcombe diet, maintaining your ideal weight for life becomes a reality. You already know that when you are on a diet, there are certain foods you can eat and others that you need to avoid. However, there is no limit to how much you can eat. That is what the Harcombe Diet is all about!

The Three Phases Of The Harcombe Diet:

This diet plan is not based on the amount of calories you take in (2). It is more about the type of foods you eat. Instead of working against your body, the Harcombe Diet works with it by making sure that it gets plenty of all the good food that is out there.

The Harcombe Diet is divided into 3 phases. The initial phase involves an intense diet while the second one is a little more relaxed. The final phase is about following simple rules to make sure the diet works well for you for life.

1. First Phase:

As mentioned earlier, this is the most intense part of the diet. It requires you to stick to a basic diet for 5 days so that you can begin your road to weight loss. It will be a tough time, but this stage has been deliberately made difficult as this is when your will power and motivation are the strongest.

During this phase, you are allowed to eat meat and fish as much as you want! All you need to do is make sure that they are unprocessed, fresh and not smoked. You can eat pork, chicken, lamb, duck, ham, beef, salmon, tuna, mackerel, shellfish, prawns and many more!

You can also eat eggs and veggies (with the exception of potatoes and mushrooms), natural live yogurt, decaffeinated tea and coffee, herbal tea, and up to 50 grams of oats or brown rice daily. Remember to drink plenty of water. Stay away from all foods that have been processed or pickled.

2. Second Phase:

This phase is slightly more relaxed than the first, but its aim is to continue the diet that you started with a wider variety. You get to eat foods that are delicious and have a little more fun with what you consume.

During this phase, there are 3 rules that you need to follow: keep processed foods away, avoid carbs and fats in the same meal, and do not eat foods that cause cravings. This means that you should only eat foods that are in their natural form. For example, instead of eating white bread or rice, opt for brown rice, bread and whole-meal pasta. Instead of drinking fruit juice, eat fresh fruits. You should also remember to eat only meats that are fresh and unprocessed.

3. Third Phase:

Once you have reached this phase of the diet, you need to continue for as long as you can, so that you can maintain the weight that you have achieved for as long as you wish to.

This is the fun part of the Harcombe Diet. This phase should be entered only when you have achieved the weight you desire in the second phase. You need to continue eating only the freshest foods and avoid processed ones. Now and then, you are allowed to indulge and treat yourself to a rich dessert or whatever you desire. Just remember not to do it too often. Now that you have learned about good, healthy foods, you can eat right and beat your cravings!

With the Harcombe Diet, you can lose weight and still eat the foods that you love. It is all about eating smart and not counting calories or worrying about them!

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The post What Is Harcombe Diet? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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