
10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Lotus Root

8:43 AM

Do you know that you could eat lotus root? If your answer is no, then it is time that you did because it comes with numerous health benefits. As the name indicates, it is the root of the lotus flower. For centuries, Oriental cultures such as the Chinese and Japanese have had a very high regard for this flower, and the seeds, roots as well as young stalks are still being used in their cuisine.

So, if you would like to know more about lotus root and the amazing benefits it offers, this post is the one you should read!

What Does Lotus Root Taste Like?

When you look at a lotus root, you may not find it appealing or appetizing. However, once you have cut its ends and peeled off the outer skin, you will see the flesh with its creamy-white color and cylindrical holes that run from end to end like little tunnels. And how does it taste? Well, it is quite delicious, or it would not have been a part of a wide array of scrumptious dishes!

When cooked, lotus root has a texture that is slightly crispy and crunchy. It has a mild flavor that makes it blend very well with different foods in many delicious recipes.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Lotus Root?

Lotus root has a variety of essential nutrients that make it one of the healthiest foods in the world. It has a unique mix of minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients that include iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, copper, thiamine, zinc, pantothenic acid, Vitamin C as well as Vitamin B6. It also contains dietary fiber and protein.

Here is a look at the ten health benefits you gain with lotus root:

1. Stimulates Blood Circulation:

Lotus root has a significant content of iron and copper, and they play a major role in the production of red blood cells, decrease the risk of developing symptoms of anemia and increase blood flow. Hence, this root helps in stimulating blood circulation and increases organ oxygenation (1). It also boosts functionality, vitality and energy levels because the circulation of blood is well stimulated.

2. Balances Blood Pressure:

Lotus root is rich in potassium, which is a vasodilator. This means that it helps in keeping blood vessels relaxed as well as aids in increasing blood flow by reducing the rigidity and contraction of these vessels. It also lowers the strain that is put on the cardiovascular system. Potassium also helps in balancing the fluids in your body properly and thwarts the effects that come with the presence of excessive sodium in your bloodstream (2).

3. Helps The Digestive System:

You have read that lotus root has a substantial amount of dietary fiber. This makes it a great aide in bulking up stool and facilitating bowel movements. It also lowers the symptoms of constipation and enhances the absorption of nutrients through the digestive and gastric juice secretions. It provides stimulation to peristaltic motion in the smooth muscles of the intestines to ensure that your bowel movements are easy and regular. This in turn prevents hemorrhoids.

4. Provides Loads Of Vitamin C:

One of the vitamins that lotus root is most rich in is Vitamin C. 73 percent of your body’s requirement of this vitamin is provided by 100 grams of this root. Being a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C benefits your body in many ways. It helps get rid of free radicals in your body and prevents the onset of dangerous conditions such as heart disease and cancer. It is an integral part of collagen that helps in maintaining the strength and integrity of blood vessels, skin, and organs. Vitamin C is also a major catalyst for the immune system.

5. Enhances Mood And Mental Clarity:

Pyridoxine is a member of the B-complex vitamins. It has a direct interaction with neural receptors in the brain that have an influence on your mood as well as your mental state. It also controls headaches, stress levels, and irritability. While the lotus flower has been a symbol of peace and tranquility for centuries, it is the root that actually provides it!

6. Keeps The Heart Healthy:

Along with potassium’s vasodilating efficacy and dietary fiber’s ability to scrub away cholesterol in the body, the pyridoxine that you get from lotus root also controls homocysteine levels in the blood, which has a direct connection to heart attacks.

7. Provides Vitamin A:

Lotus root has plenty of this essential nutrient. It benefits you greatly as Vitamin A has been proven to enhance the health of your skin, eyes, as well as hair. Its powerful antioxidant action helps in the prevention of macular degeneration as well as other ocular problems. It also helps in healing various skin diseases and inflammation. Vitamin A also helps in healing wounds faster.

8. Regulates Weight:

If you are looking to lose weight, lotus root is a superb food to add to your diet. It is low in calories, and as you have already read, it has loads of fiber and essential nutrients. When your body gets all the important nutrients that it needs, you feel full for a longer duration and avoid the problem of overeating, thus managing your weight effectively.

9. Strengthens The Respiratory System:

Research indicates that lotus root may have beneficial effects on the respiratory system. It is said to help in cleansing and providing strength to the respiratory system. It can be brewed as a hot tea to provide relief from cough as it can melt the accumulated mucus. It is also consumed as juice for the treatment of respiratory diseases like tuberculosis and asthma.

10. Prevents Intestinal Problems:

Drinking lotus root juice that is mixed with ginger can be used as a highly effective treatment for inflammation of the intestines. If you are vomiting blood, bleeding can be prevented, whether it is in your stomach or your esophagus. If there is blood in your stool, bleeding in the intestine, stomach and rectum can be prevented as well. If you suffer from any of these problems, drink this healthy juice and gain relief.

Lotus root may not look like much initially, but do not let its appearance fool you. It is chock full of nutrients that your body needs to ensure that it stays healthy, inside and out. Whether you add it to dishes or drink it as a tea or juice, you can be sure that your body would thank you for it!

How Should Lotus Root Be Chosen?

Are you at the market but not sure how to pick lotus root to take back home? Well, it is not difficult at all! By keeping two points in mind, you can buy fresh roots that are filled with delicious goodness and cook them as you like!

  1. When you are buying lotus root, you should always pick the ones that look plump, firm and juicy. They should be grayish or pinkish in color. You should also make sure that the ones you choose are smooth and do not have any soft spots or blemishes.
  2. When choosing lotus roots to buy, keep away from the ones that have dark spots on them. This shows that they are not fresh. If it is possible, ask the vendor to cut one of them so that you can check the channels or ‘tunnels’. If they are ringed with linings that are black or dark brown in color, you should definitely avoid buying them as the root has aged and is not fresh.

How Should Lotus Root Be Stored?

Here are a few tips to help you make sure that you store lotus roots correctly:

  1. Once you have bought lotus roots, ensure that you wash and scrub each one thoroughly. After you have properly cleaned them, cut the ends approximately ¼ inches from the joints of the segment.
  2. You can store whole lotus roots in the refrigerator for about three weeks by putting them in a sealed plastic bag with water in it.
  3. To store lotus root that has already been cut up, cover the pieces with water and lemon juice and place in the refrigerator. By using this method, you can keep it fresh for up to five days.
  4. To make sure that you always get the maximum flavor and taste from lotus roots, always cook them within a week of buying them.

There is no difficulty in storing lotus roots after purchasing them. All you need to do is make sure that you prepare them while they are still fresh so that you get the delicious taste, as well as all the nutritional value this root offers!

How Is Lotus Root Prepared?

As mentioned earlier, lotus root is commonly used in Indian, Chinese and Japanese cuisines. Before it is prepared, you need to make sure that it is thoroughly cleaned. Cleaning it under running water is the best way. The next step is to cut the ends. The outer skin is tough and inedible, so you need to peel it off. You can cut it into fine sticks or cubes, depending on your preference. To prevent it from getting discolored, rinse the cut pieces in lemon water or vinegar.

You can serve lotus root in the following ways:

  1. Tender, young ones can be served raw in salads
  2. You can sauté it with rice wine, soy sauce and chilies
  3. You can add it to stews, curries and stir-fried dishes
  4. You can also add it to soups
  5. In Cantonese cuisine, it is often used as a stuffing
  6. You can serve it as chips for a yummy snack, as is popular in Japan

There are many different ways to serve lotus root. It makes a healthy addition to your daily diet and if you have not already done so, you should eat this yummy root vegetable more regularly.

What Safety Measures Should Be Taken Before Preparing Lotus Root?

A parasite known as Fasciolopsis buski is commonly found in aquatic plants such as lotus, Chinese water-chestnut, water caltrop, etc (3). Lotus root may harbor such parasites, which is why you need to make sure that it is very well-cleaned. If not, you could suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, stomach-ache and even intestinal obstruction. Make sure that you clean this vegetable thoroughly or steam it to eliminate any parasites that infest it.

There are no big risks of eating lotus root. However, eating them raw could cause bacterial infections. This is why it is best to eat lotus root when it is cooked.

As you have read, lotus root has a great medicinal value and is packed with loads of nutrients that your body needs to stay strong and healthy. By adding this tasty vegetable to your diet, you can prevent cancer, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, increase blood circulation, balance mood, boost your immune system, etc. There is no end to the benefits that you gain from this root vegetable. If you are looking to make an improvement in the foods that you eat, consider consuming more of lotus root.

While a lot more research needs to be conducted on the lotus root, studies have shown that it has loads of essential nutrients. Experts are looking into how this rhizome can provide even more health benefits. It has been used in cooking for hundreds of years, as well as for traditional medicine. With so much goodness in it, it is not surprising that more people are choosing to add it to their diet.

People are becoming more health-conscious, and this is why there is a lot more awareness about the different super-foods that are out there. The lotus root is certainly one of them! With its rich content of nutrients, you can definitely become healthier by consuming it. The fact that it is easy to prepare, and quite delicious, is a huge bonus. So, the next time you are at the supermarket, look out for this wonderful vegetable and add it to the dishes you cook!

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The post 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Lotus Root appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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